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Nyleveia reviews - suggestions please.


Greetings guys, some if not most of you already know me, so I'll skip the introduction, I've been here more or less since the servers went up initially helping out with the setup etc, though due to personal reasons i declined to be more than a normal user here.
Well, that's technically wrong, i was an admin but removed such permissions when i was done helping out - either way it's great to see the site blooming, i must admit at first i was so-so about EvilSeph stepping in but i feel i owe you an apology ES, for it seems you've been doing a great job here!

Anyway to the point, as some of you already know due to past employment and current connections in the games industry i rather frequently receive review builds and pre-production builds of games, specifically for the PS3, Nintendo DS and PSP.
For the longest time i would just pass comments here and there, or share a few juicy tidbits with close friends - this i know has not gone down well with some people who just consider my comments and posts to be purely bragging which is probably true in part, but as userfriendly can attest to, i am quite selfless and considerate to those i trust.
Anyway, given a recent shift in priorities i decided to set up my own news/reviews/etc site where such information could be posted, I'm going for 100% original content with the same ideal as MfM 'quality over quantity', I've recently contacted Abe, and X3sphere about starting a relationship between the sites as i don't believe we need consider ourselves competitors given the sheer volume of gaming related websites on the internet today.

Hopefully things in that area will go well, i know i will certainly look forward to writing up reviews of games for either site to use at some point in the future, though you may have to be a little patient with my writing style or lack there-of, I'm still very much used to writing reviews in Japanese!

Anyway, the purpose of this post is to ask what it is people really want from a game review, what's currently lacking in general from game reviews, what can be improved, and most of all what do you need to know about said games.
Any ideas or suggestions will go towards improving my future reviews so that i may properly address the issues you are interested in the most!

All suggestions, ideas and criticisms are welcome.

Nyleveia - A large bite of entertainment
Looks good. A few suggestions:

1) As Serideth said, get a new skin
2) I personally think that giving a rating out of 100 gives a little too much room for choices... usually better to have it out of 10, or if you really want to be different having it out of 20 or something
3) One of the categories in the recap should be replayability. I know that's one thing alot of people look for in a game. Maybe you come even divide the replayability into online and offline sections, considering that a decent chunk of people don't have XBL or a connection.
Looks good. A few suggestions:

1) As Serideth said, get a new skin
2) I personally think that giving a rating out of 100 gives a little too much room for choices... usually better to have it out of 10, or if you really want to be different having it out of 20 or something
3) One of the categories in the recap should be replayability. I know that's one thing alot of people look for in a game. Maybe you come even divide the replayability into online and offline sections, considering that a decent chunk of people don't have XBL or a connection.

hm, nice idea :)
How about getting to the ps3 theme you said you give us..

Pre-Release - SU 01 - QJ.NET Forums

I'm not sleeping, or stopping until this themes done, for the record.
It sure been a long time since you had sleep..

Anyway I be sure to add you to my Rss feed and click on a few ads to keeo your site alive..I sure you get alot of hits of that new and improved theme of your is a hit..
Not much to add other than maybe making the themes downloadable via PS3 browser.

A video review would be cool although I'm not sure if you'd like to do the narrative or not.

Glad you partnered up with MFM, good things can only come of it for both parties.

Get that Aeniom theme done. ;)