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Playstation Store Rolling Out Now!


Active Member
That's what Kotaku is currently reporting. Personally, I'm getting an error here, but Sony has already announced that PSN should be 100% back by the end of the day, so it's a good sign of things to come I think. Let us know if you're successful or not and enjoy guys!

Update: And I'm in! Downloading the Infamous 2 demo. No Welcome Back content yet, but I wasn't expecting that right away.

Update 2: Connecting may be spotty, PS+ membership is active but doesn't recognize in the store yet, so no picking up any content from PS+ yet.

Update 3: A lot of new content has been added which can be found here: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2011/06/01/playstation-store-is-available-and-updated-now/
Yay, store works for me too (Germany) \o/
Getting some weird errors here and there still, but it (starts) working :)

And my purchases seem to be all there as well, as the first glance can tell....

About time.... this has been what, six weeks now?
I just bought the L.A. Noire's Rockstar Pass tooks about 3 trys but I got it.
Waitin for the Welcome back stuff for sure.
Confirmed that you can use Media Go on PC for the PSP to get into the store now.
Hopefully the roll out the Welcome Back content slowly. If everyone starts downloading their 2GB+ files at once, I can foresee PSN going down a few more times.