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Prince of Persia


Drop The Gun
Is anybody else looking forward to this game? It got a 9.3/10 from IGN, and I've always liked Prince of Persia, but this game looks like its taking it to a whole other level.
I've never really tried prince of persia except for on the psp. From what I could tell it was alright.

This new games graphics really turn me off though, I really don't like "cartoony" looking games, plus it looks like a ps2 game

And I dunno but watching this trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/42673.html
just makes me not want to play the game
Been a huge fan since the very first one came out. Its based around the mythical stories that my dad used to tell me as a child, so its a really fun game for me.
I like the first Prince of Persia game, this one looks like it taken away from alot of things....
Are they even in Persia anymore?!
The game is stunning. They kinda treated the game like a painting than a video game. The gameplay is at its bare minimum for quality gameplay. If they added a bit more features, this game would have been a total hit. I might rent it.
So who's playing this right now and for what console? I'm trying to figure out what console to get this for.
I think they're identical. There isnt a multiplayer, so you shouldn't worry about getting it on the one with your friends online. Just get it on whichever controller you prefer.
So who's playing this right now and for what console? I'm trying to figure out what console to get this for.

360 version and the ps3 version are identical., it really comes down to which controller you like better.

But if you dont have any Trophies games I go with the ps3...Plus I like the fact Blu-ray discs are scratch resistant...
I love this game, but Im stuck at this retarded jump in the alchemist place (like the 2nd fertile ground I'm doing) No matter what I do, I cant jump over this simple gap and its really pissing me off
Hopefully I can coax someone into getting me this for Xmas cause I don't have the funds to put towards any games right now.

It does look amazing and I hear it's fun.
This game is really good, It's pretty easy since you can't die, and theres no difficulty setting, but whatever its still awesome. I got stuck at that stupid alchemy place still, so I just loaded a previous save and did everything eccept for that one
I recently started playing this. It's not bad and some of the platforming is fun.

I don't think I am a fan of going back through everything to get life seeds though.
The only annoying thing I found was some of the power-plate sequences later in the game. Some of them go on forever (like 1 minute +), and if you crash or die you need to restart them all over again. This was only really a problem on the ones where I couldn't figure out which way to move.