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QJ sucks

Chilly Willy

Anyone else find that QJ.net isn't all it's cracked up to be? They get by on having a large database of homebrew and "news" articles. The forum is a wasteland of noobs and wanna-bes. Granted I don't post over there very often, but I've posted development work and answered a lot of tricky dev-related questions, yet just today, some jack-ass is calling ME a noob who doesn't know what he's talking about! :confused1:

When I try to set the guy straight, some jack-ass with enough posts to qualify as a "VIP" (whatever the hell that means over there) rags on me and locks the thread, also insinuating I'm a noob who doesn't know anything. Let me tell you, that doesn't encourage me to have anything to do with them, and I'll certainly encourage others to avoid them in the future as well.

Now THIS site is more like home! 8) The folks are better - even the noobs are better here. :biggrin: I've probably made maybe the same number of posts here about the same subject matter, and I have yet to get called a noob! :wink:

So anyway, sorry to rag like that, but their whole attitude got me mighty teed off and I just had to vent some. :mad1:

Glad to be here... probably won't spend much time over at QJ anymore.


QJ.net fourm policies are terrible :laugh:
Whats funny over there is they have a policy of not being able to help
people load backed up games :rolleyes:

After about the hundredth time of reading blah blah we can't help you load that crap here, thread locked, I have been reading less and less myself there as posts are about the most uninteresting you can find.
Whats so bad about advising people to get there legal backups working?

I have also been in arguments with VIP Moose Island, and after practically owning him in an argument my posts got deleted out of the thread when he knew he had lost and nothing he could post would save his face :laugh:

It also seems as of late anyone can submit anything and get developer status and it would get posted regardless of what it is.


I could friggin submit some 1.5 snex9xtyl bundled with Eloader and it would be posted :laugh:

With the 15 different forms of sub moderation there you would think they would have time to check whats being submitted.
I suppose they should change there name to quick post LMAO :laugh:


Wannabe Developer
Well I don't know about QJ, I only surf there when I need help with programming, or to give help.
(As it's the only forum in the internet that I know of, that has a Lua community, and it's a great lua communuity out there).
But exophase is much better, the people in QJ suck.
More like a home here, with much nicer people.


[insert custom user title here]
I still remember summer of 2007 in maxconsole.A lot of n000bs flaming, that looked like hell. Even devs started leaving after that.
No dev wanted to post in there.
Seriously, the coments were like "and why do we need this?", "meh Dax could do it better" or simply (but powerful) "This sucks!".
Now, it's the fanboys era -_-
God!, I hate maxconsole.
I just started posting at QJ's forums, but I've seen a lot of people who think that to create an app you just need to read a bit .I don't don't think people take coding seriously enough.


Well-Known Member
When aXr^2 released F0 Spacer, it was flame land over there.

So I'm with ya Chilly Willy, you sick noob, you XD
Eat out my heart every time you release something.


People on QJ and MaxC certainly lack some online manners which, fortunately, exophase.com has.
Exophase.com is my home on the internet.

Chilly Willy

let's all pray:



That is exactly how I felt. :biggrin:

The argument in the thread was expected... I gave good advice that could be backed up point by point and some JA basically looked at my post count and thought his ill conceived advice was better merely because he had more posts. What really disappointed me was the "VIP" (Adiuvo) took JA's side over mine for the very same reason - post count. :mad1:

Chilly Willy

The higher your post count, the bigger your pennis is!

Well damn! I should write a script to post stuff until it gets really big! :w00t:

After a couple of PMs with Adiuvo, it seems he has limited mod ability strictly due to his post count. He clearly knows less about the PSP (the forum he mods) than the idiot I got in an argument with. Those are the folks running the show over at QJ. :cursing:

There are folks who have incredibly huge post counts who I'd NEVER give mod power to. Lots of posts sometimes means the person just likes to babble. There's one over at MaxConsole (you probably know who I mean) who made over 8000 posts in the first few months after he joined. I don't think I have that many posts in ALL the forums I belong to added together! Nearly all his posts are on the level of "Yeah! What he said!" Some folks are convinced he's just a bot. :biggrin:


All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy
QJ Never went there found it too confusing their lay out.
I found exophase by googling psx 2 psp guide and it linked me to a guide most helpful site ever!!!!!


The Doctor
well then, so be it, xD i'll never go to Qj again :p

never liked it anyways... seemed a bit "Snot Nosed" anyways xD


New Member
well 2 be honest krazyking has nevar been 2 da gh3y forums b4 , i only go to gaf and this one


Chilly Willy said:
The forum is a wasteland of noobs and wanna-bes.

Sorry for the bump, but what Chilly Willy said is so true. I go there as a Guest and after reading the flamefests and witnessing user behavior there, I was aghast from what i read or saw. :( QJ is in anarchy!

Chilly Willy said:
Now THIS site is more like home! 8) The folks are better - even the noobs are better here. :biggrin:

Yes, Exophase is such a great community. I'm glad I assimilated here. The Admin and moderators are friendly and helpful. The users are just as good too. I enjoy my forum experince here the most. :w00t:

But I have a question, does Dark_AleX even dare enter QJ.NET ever?