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Remote download


New Member
Would it be easy to set up a small web page on either a LAMP or WAMP box, that only I could log into, Then post links into which would save on the server?


Would it be easy to set up a small web page on either a LAMP or WAMP box, that only I could log into, Then post links into which would save on the server?
You wouldn't even need to do that. Find a Linux server that you can SSH into, and just do wget . If you want to be really fancy, ...y a D to leave it in the background] [/code]


New Member
Not my thread, but sorta on topic, could I torrent onto my web server?


I doubt that would be too easy since I want to access this from school.
Thing is, PuTTy is installed but since I'm just a lowly student I'm not allowed to run it.

Also: Would I be able to Download with an RS premium account this way?

Can you put putty on a usb drive and run it from there?

And yes, you can download from RS premium accounts using wget. To do this (in Firefox), go to rapidshare and login, this will save a cookie. Now, get this extension and export your cookies to a standard Netscape cookies.txt file. Name the generated cookies.txt file ".cookies.txt" (the . in front makes it a hidden file) and place it in your home directory, so that it is easy to find.

Then, run wget:
$ wget --load-cookies ~.cookies.txt [URL]

With wget, you can also parse URLs from a file. So, just create a plain text file with a list of rapidshare URLs in them, and then do a:
$ wget --load-cookies ~.cookies.txt -i [files.txt]

Read the man page for wget, you can also do things like capping the download rate and other nifty things.


New Member
Can you put putty on a usb drive and run it from there?

Nope :(
My school has EVERYTHING locked down. No running executable files, No running flash files (in case it's a game). The schools dynamic content filtering Searches for "inappropriate content" which blocks the Wikipedia articles for all rappers amongst other oddites.


New Member
Why do you need to access it from school? Can't you just access it from home?

So on days when the shows I watch get released, I can DL them remotly from school and have it ready to watch at home.

When I'm doing one or two parts its fine but downloading 720p/1080p video it takes a while.