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Research Topics?


Your resident psycho hobo
I need help coming up with a research topic for my english class. it needs to be:
1. controversial (experts disagree, not necessarily a hot button issue)
2. something i can adequately research in a few weeks(so no abortion or anything else with 5000+ different sources)
3. topic needs to be posed as a specific question
4. topic needs to be important to me(im just trying to find ideas at the moment. I'll deal with this one once i have a few ideas)


I have to do pretty much this exact same project.

I'm writing mine about network neutrality.

Other good topics I've seen in my class:
  • Should we abandon the electoral college?
  • What should be done with our aging nuclear stockpile?
  • Should teacher tenure be abandoned in favor of merit based pay?
  • Should the government bail out large corporations? (AIG)


I have to do pretty much this exact same project.

I'm writing mine about network neutrality.

Other good topics I've seen in my class:
  • Should we abandon the electoral college?
  • What should be done with our aging nuclear stockpile?
  • Should teacher tenure be abandoned in favor of merit based pay?
  • Should the government bail out large corporations? (AIG)
lol reminded me of SNL when they did the song about the BCS lol


Your resident psycho hobo
I have to do pretty much this exact same project.

I'm writing mine about network neutrality.

Other good topics I've seen in my class:
  • Should we abandon the electoral college?
  • What should be done with our aging nuclear stockpile?
  • Should teacher tenure be abandoned in favor of merit based pay?
  • Should the government bail out large corporations? (AIG)

the electoral college one is WAY too overdone. like i said, has to be something that hasn't been wrote on 80000 times. the tenure one might work, but im not sure how to make it seem important to me.


MFM Survivor
I need help coming up with a research topic for my english class. it needs to be:
1. controversial (experts disagree, not necessarily a hot button issue)
2. something i can adequately research in a few weeks(so no abortion or anything else with 5000+ different sources)
3. topic needs to be posed as a specific question
4. topic needs to be important to me(im just trying to find ideas at the moment. I'll deal with this one once i have a few ideas)

I had to do the same thing....
My topic was about limited rights in school systems.
In 10th grade, my topic was about Censorship in media.
Both are very great subjects.


the electoral college one is WAY too overdone. like i said, has to be something that hasn't been wrote on 80000 times. the tenure one might work, but im not sure how to make it seem important to me.

Fine, but you're not getting anymore ideas out of me.


any suggestions on a way i could make that into a question narrow enough to not have a crapload of sources.

Should funding for stem cell research be expanded in the United States?

^ Just pulled that out of my ass, keep that in mind.

However, that topic has been beaten to death too.


Your resident psycho hobo
Fine, but you're not getting anymore ideas out of me.

jeez. i was just saying that that one falls in the 'done 1000000x times' category(which we are barred from doing) i like the tenure one though.... if only i could come up with a way that it was relevant to me(or.... better yet, that i actually WANTED to learn about it)

Darth Budd

Gun Control, Abortion, and the Death Penalty are classics. I say you go for something a little less known though, so you don't have 100,000 sources, most of which are full of crap.


Your resident psycho hobo
Gun Control, Abortion, and the Death Penalty are classics. I say you go for something a little less known though, so you don't have 100,000 sources, most of which are full of crap.

exactly. anything like that that WOULD have that many sources is forbidden anyway.


Your resident psycho hobo
im thinking of going with something like the effects of piracy on media sales.

any suggestions for a specific question on the effects of piracy?

any cool articles you guys have read lately about it?


New Member
What it really means to be a man/woman and gender roles in society. thats what i'm doing mines on.

---------- Post added at 07:39 PM EST ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM EST ----------

im thinking of going with something like the effects of piracy on media sales.

any suggestions for a specific question on the effects of piracy?

any cool articles you guys have read lately about it?

i think you should do the paper on something that isnt to well known. do it on subjects that affect all of us, but are subjects that are rarely talked about. take this chance to research something you never wouldve researched if it wasnt for your class. piracy and all is good, but thats stuff youll here about nearly everyday on tech blogs and such. like i said research something out of your norm. something that would open your mind a bit more.


effects that scary/horror movies have on people.... paranoia, violence, etc.

just thought of that


Quality Haxing Since 1991
any suggestions on a way i could make that into a question narrow enough to not have a crapload of sources.

Is funding for embroyonic stem cell research a benefit tot he scientific community, or is it relevant to current medical science at all?

Could list the adaptation of adult stem cells into acting like embryonic stem cells.

Could list the many, many treatments provided by adult stem cells and the total of 0 produced by embryonic stem cells.

Could discuss the language used by the media and their bias on the issue, i.e. how networks hardly ever say "embryonic" stem cell research and instead lump it all into just "Stem cell research." How they talk about it vaguely funding a new "era of science" without discussing how or why and ignoring the adaptation of adult stem cells into relative embryonic ones.


You could also do something like the effect of globalization on America, with the loss of life-long vocations and steady, higher wages in favor of short-term, higher-risk jobs.