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PC Rumor: Duke Nukem Forever May Live On, Courtesy Gearbox Software


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Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

There may be light at the end of the tunnel for Duke. A rumor has emerged suggesting that Gearbox Software of Borderlands fame is working to finish what the now-defunct 3DRealms started. This comes by way of a Kotaku report, which cites "sources who wished to remain anonymous."

If true, it'd mark Take-Two subsidiary 2K Games' second publishing coup with Gearbox since Borderlands. A secondary source claims a playable demo is due out by this year's end. Take it with a grain of a salt, but this is certainly within the realm of possibility. There's a couple reasons why.

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Just some dood
This is actually good news.
3DRealms showed they just didn't have it anymore, so maybe Gearbox can do something with the IP.


This is unbelievable. Seeing a release of this would be so exciting ;_;

It sure has picked up enough publicity over the years :p

El Diablo

I wouldn't hold my breath though tbh.


I think DNF should not have a health bar but only an ego bar. So the more bad ass you are the higher your bar, and if you start to suck you start to die, but dying can be bad ass if you take out enough enemies so you'll get a second wind like Borderlands. Like extra life pickups will be mini nukes or something.