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Share your Firefox Personas


<span style=height:2px;cursor:default;"></span>
With the addition of personas for firefox (which are awesome btw, so check them out if you haven't), I figured I would make this thread for people to share their own personas.

I'm currently working on one right now, which I'll post once I'm done.

So yeh, post your personas, and we can share feedback and constructive criticism, or just comment on the sheer awesomeness of some.


I'm not dead
Just for the people who don't have a clue what personas is (like me) here is some information on them (including the add on that needs to be installed):

Mozilla Labs Introducing Personas

It's basically useless for me as I'm running firefox highly customised already (thanks to Chathurga). Only the bottom status bar changes with personas as the bookmarks toolbar and navigations toolbar aren't displayed (everything is on the remaining menu bar).


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
Just for the people who don't have a clue what personas is (like me) here is some information on them (including the add on that needs to be installed):

Mozilla Labs Introducing Personas

It's basically useless for me as I'm running firefox highly customised already (thanks to Chathurga). Only the bottom status bar changes with personas as the bookmarks toolbar and navigations toolbar aren't displayed (everything is on the remaining menu bar).

It's useful for people like me, I'll post my screenshot (Just using Firefox B right now)

@Teowulf: I was actually making one for my school (UConn) but I just didn't have the time - also took me a while to find out that I could use it without submitting it to the web




MD Party Room
My bad I dont know how I miss that link.


<span style=height:2px;cursor:default;"></span>
It's useful for people like me, I'll post my screenshot (Just using Firefox B right now)

@Teowulf: I was actually making one for my school (UConn) but I just didn't have the time - also took me a while to find out that I could use it without submitting it to the web



That's a good idea... I hadn't even thought of that. I might try making one for Cornell (shouldn't be too hard).


<span style=height:2px;cursor:default;"></span>
One that I made and now use:


Based on one of my favorite bands.


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
One that I made and now use:


Based on one of my favorite bands.

That's a problem I have with most of the personas, they are very busy. That's why I stick with the Firefox B theme - very clean, I need to make a better one soon (made a UConn one but not satisfied with the result, looks too noobish :p )


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
I'll be curious to see your persona when your done Frozen, since I'll hopefully be going there next year still.

Good to hear! I've been trying to work on the persona and it really needs to be tailored to each individual. If I do it at their recommended resolution half of my header is cut off. After realizing this and finding out around the correct resolution for my browser I shall finish my uconn one - although that will have to wait, exam tomorrow I must study for :eek:


New Member
I actually find this pretty useless. I downloaded it, tried out the themes and found them all too colourful or buldging and the ones that wernt, were worse then my original theme.

Guess i'm back to the iFox theme.

El Xando

"Dam whippersnapper"
I'm using Yosemite for lack of a better theme.


New Member
is it just me..or did anyone else get bored of this really fast

The idea of themeing your internet browser is really stupid to me. I use my browser to see content on the internet, i dont want to be distracted or annoyed by really bright buttons on the browser. I had the Firefox B on for a while, then just got fed up and took it off.