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Skate 3 First Impressions


M for Messenger

EA recently released a demo for their upcoming game, Skate 3. This revision of the series doesn't bring a whole lot of new features or innovations, but is more focused on customization, team-challenges and a whole new city to skate in. The demo starts off with two unexpected perks; You can change the difficulty and change the camera angle[...]

Continue reading: Skate 3 First Impressions...


I played this earlier today, and I really enjoyed it. I skipped out on Skate 2 but will most likely be getting this one :D


I played this earlier today, and I really enjoyed it. I skipped out on Skate 2 but will most likely be getting this one :D

Jealous! I won't be able to play it for awhile. Definitely looking forward to it, I loved the first one; it was the reason I bought a 360. I played the demo for the second one but didn't get the game, I'll definitely be getting this one though.


I'm afraid to download this. When the Skate 2 demo was released I downloaded that and before I could even play it let alone finish downloading it I got the RROD.

I will take my chances though as this looks like a pretty tight demo. Also thanks for the little glitch tut video, I will most likely give that a try once I've played the demo through once.


I'd take my chances aswell and download it soon, I would suspect EA is going to patch that glitch and reup it on Live/PSN(assuming the glitch is carried over to it's PS version).


New Member
Skate 3 is really awesome! I love this game.

I'm looking to do a 6 person team freeskate to get the Talking bout Team Practice trophy. Add me if you're interested and please write that it is in regards to Skate 3.

PSN: PLamb858