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UFO Sightings


MFM Survivor
So I've always believed in UFOs, but never really saw any until tonight.
A few friends and I were hanging out at the park because there was nothing to do when all of a sudden I saw a very bright light in the sky. It was one object, and three or four very bright lights shot out of it (red).
A few minutes later, we saw two or three going towards eachother and they each fired the lights out at eachother (like they were fighting).

Afterwards, they flew across the sky (no noise when they were overhead, but a few minutes later, we heard the sounds while they were in front of us. I'm guessing that they were so far up in the sky, that we couldn't hear the noise until much later) and suddenly stopped moving.
We stared for about thirty minutes, watching one light change from blue to red to purple (according to my friend, it went purple a few times) and it moved in the opposite direction (very slowly, maybe a few centimeters from out perspective every ten minutes or so) the rest of the stars were moving.

We grew tired of watching it, and feeling that nothing would become of it, we left. When I got home, I looked in the sky and it was no longer there from what I could see with the street lights around.


So, talk about your past experiences with UFOs or any speculation you may have.
I really don't believe in UFOs because a lot of the stuff can be explained.

Anyways thats a crazy story.

Either you saw a UFO,

or you were tripping balls.


MFM Survivor
I really don't believe in UFOs because a lot of the stuff can be explained.

Anyways thats a crazy story.

Either you saw a UFO,

or you were tripping balls.

Definitely wasn't tripping balls.
I just wish I knew what it was.
My mom said that they were just fighter jets, but.... they were moving REALLY fast, and faster than I've ever seen anything move in my life.


Logic :(
Me and my cousin Matt were lying on the trampoline a few years ago when a HUGE asteroid came flying past. Sure you see them as a little dot across the sky but this thing was close enough to pick out each individual crater (take a basketball out and hold it arm length away to get an idea.) It was burning blue flames giving off a terrifying noise. This was one of the scariest moments of my life. We sat there waiting for the collision but it disappeared from sight after a few seconds. We sat there completely silent holding our breaths... and slowly looked at each other to confirm the sight. My other cousins ran outside and asked what was the sound.

To this day I don't know what became of it, but I assume it landed somewhere in the desert.

I know this isn't a UFO story but I thought this was the closest thing to it. This is not some exaggerated story tale.


Me and my cousin Matt were lying on the trampoline a few years ago when a HUGE asteroid came flying past. Sure you see them as a little dot across the sky but this thing was close enough to pick out each individual crater (take a basketball out and hold it arm length away to get an idea.) It was burning blue flames giving off a terrifying noise. This was one of the scariest moments of my life. We sat there waiting for the collision but it disappeared from sight after a few seconds. We sat there completely silent holding our breaths... and slowly looked at each other to confirm the sight. My other cousins ran outside and asked what was the sound.

To this day I don't know what became of it, but I assume it landed somewhere in the desert.

I know this isn't a UFO story but I thought this was the closest thing to it. This is not some exaggerated story tale.

That is pretty tight. The closest i've come to anything that cool was when i was on a train going through i think Iowa, and i woke up in the middle of the night, and i looked out the window and there was a meteor shower, very cool, little lights falling left and right in the sky, hopping around.

ahh but no wishes came true lol


New Member
Theres this girl that was in my government class last semester, she moved from Roswell new mexico. She said she has seen quite a few things, and its also the area where area 51 is. She has told me some cool story's, shes quite cute too.

Mr. Beefy

Suck It Trebek
I was out one time, and I saw this really intense burning light.

But then I turned away from the sun.

Horrible, horrible experience.


I was out one time, and I saw this really intense burning light.

But then I turned away from the sun.

Horrible, horrible experience.
yah, know, i think i saw that too once... the 'outside' as some call it, is a very strange place lol


When I was pretty young(Maybe somewhere between 8-12) I remember waking up one morning and I decided to open the front door to my trailer house. I opened it up and saw what seemed to be a UFO in day light! It was quite far but close enough to notice it was disk shaped with lights blinking around it. It flew pretty slow and it seemed to be just drifting. After I saw it I closed the door, locked every lock, and ran back to my bed and hid under the covers. I never figured out if it was a dream or for real.


Logic :(
When I was pretty young(Maybe somewhere between 8-12) I remember waking up one morning and I decided to open the front door to my trailer house. I opened it up and saw what seemed to be a UFO in day light! It was quite far but close enough to notice it was disk shaped with lights blinking around it. It flew pretty slow and it seemed to be just drifting. After I saw it I closed the door, locked every lock, and ran back to my bed and hid under the covers. I never figured out if it was a dream or for real.

That's vague enough to be considered anything. I doubt it was a UFO though, probably a plane that appeared to be moving slow since it was flying towards you. That would explain the disc shape and flashing lights from the wings.


Suck It
I haven't personally seen a UFO, but imo there's enough videos, pictures, stories, etc, to confirm that they are in fact out there and continue to be unexplained. Unexplained in the sense that they are not human made - so what else could objects resembling ships moving erratically possibly be?


cant fux widdit
There is a place they call the halo near me, apparently it's a UFO hotspot. They built a massive structure of a "ufo" and it lights up :D


Me and my friends in front of the halo. (im in grey)


Active Member
Wow UFOs? Seriously? xD
Why would any being spend thousands of years travelling to Earth only to float around and spook a few hill billies?

Why is that it's only people who believed in UFOs already that see them.


Suck It
Wow UFOs? Seriously? xD
Why would any being spend thousands of years travelling to Earth only to float around and spook a few hill billies?

Why is that it's only people who believed in UFOs already that see them.

Not true. There's plenty of non-believers who see them and promptly change their minds.

I believe in them and haven't personally seen them in person before.

It seems as though people who don't believe in something shout out for a display of evidence to disprove their beliefs. For example, 'God doesn't exist because there's no evidence to prove he/she exists'.
UFO's are unique in this sense. There's plenty of documented unexplained phenomena that occurs and there's also a large array of pictures, videos, etc, that display this phenomena, yet the non-believers continue to call it out as crap. IMO we don't know what they are yet, but they're obviously there.


That's vague enough to be considered anything. I doubt it was a UFO though, probably a plane that appeared to be moving slow since it was flying towards you. That would explain the disc shape and flashing lights from the wings.

Yeah it is vague. It was not flying towards me though. It was flying through the sky.. horizontally to the right. All I saw was a disc shape. But still, I was young so who knows what it could of been.


New Member
A few years back I was in a car driving down a road, there were a series of white spike shaped objects pointing out from a circle pulsing in and out from the centre of the circle. I lowered the window of the car, it was still visible, so it wasn't just the reflection of the lines on the road. Weird o_O
Still don't think it's anything alien though.


Like a Boss
I used to be ultra scared of aliens and UFOs back when I was like 5-6. I also got creeped out by that TV series called Taken back in the day on the Sci-fi channel.

But now that I really think about it, the possibility of other intelligent life existing in the universe is quite slim. Although nobody knows just how big the universe really is, the probability of another civilization in another galaxy, another solar system, and another planet that has superior technology seems to be extremely remote. In addition, if you think about just the size of the universe, it seems kind of useless to travel millions of light years just to see our boring lives. But then again, why do we gotout and explore other planets in the solar system? It's curiosity...


Suck It
But now that I really think about it, the possibility of other intelligent life existing in the universe is quite slim. Although nobody knows just how big the universe really is, the probability of another civilization in another galaxy, another solar system, and another planet that has superior technology seems to be extremely remote. In addition, if you think about just the size of the universe, it seems kind of useless to travel millions of light years just to see our boring lives. But then again, why do we gotout and explore other planets in the solar system? It's curiosity...

I totally disagree. The visible universe that we can see is approximately 15 billion light years in each direction, and you think the chance of other civilizations being out there is slim? I think the chance of there being other civilizations somewhere is certainly a possibility given the overwhelming vastness of the universe.

You hit it right on the nail though with the last part. It's curiosity that drives us, so perhaps it's the same for other civilizations out there. I'm sure if we found something else out there we would go out there and observe it in great detail. We definitely wouldn't view it as a bunch of "boring lives", it would be incredibly fascinating.


Like a Boss
I totally disagree. The visible universe that we can see is approximately 15 billion light years in each direction, and you think the chance of other civilizations being out there is slim? I think the chance of there being other civilizations somewhere is certainly a possibility given the overwhelming vastness of the universe.

You hit it right on the nail though with the last part. It's curiosity that drives us, so perhaps it's the same for other civilizations out there. I'm sure if we found something else out there we would go out there and observe it in great detail. We definitely wouldn't view it as a bunch of "boring lives", it would be incredibly fascinating.

Advanced civilizations that can travel that distance in a good amount of time. We can't even send people to Mars yet because the trek would be too long and people would not be able to handle it well psychologically. Unless they can travel much faster than the speed of light, I don't see how aliens can visit the earth. Maybe they're close than we think they are. I don't know.


Suck It
Or because they've been around longer and have more advanced technology than us? Not far fetched at all.

I mean we've only been around for a very small amount of time, and only in the past 50 or so years we've managed to get to the moon and send technology to mars.