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What is the iPhone SDK/Hardware able to do?


New Member
Would it be easy to make an app that shows a small musical keyboard, then you play a few notes and it repetes that and adds a drum patten on top?

In the UK, this is known as "putting a donk on it" ad I would love to see that app.


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
Well, I know for a fact that there are a few apps that can do different things. One if I remember correctly, costs $7.99 USD and is a beat box (pretty sure). Um, there are a couple drum apps and also keyboards as well. Do you mean to program one yourself?


I don't think that it would be too difficult, and even if you couldn't do it right off the bat it would be very easy to learn.


Staff Member
Probally would be less effort just to buy Noise.io and Beatmaker

bit pricey for most people but meh...


New Member
From what I can gather, he wants money and thinks he's going to hit a goldmine with these iTouch apps. So help this poor man out.