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Woot.com Deal - Asus EeePC 900 Netbook


New Member

Woot : One Day, One Deal (SM)

I wish I had the money to get one of these. Even though there refurbs, its a great price!


Wow, that's a great deal. I just bought the Dell Mini 9 for about $50 more than that, I wish I would have waited.

Seriously, anybody who has the cash, it's worth it to be able to surf the web from your couch :)


New Member
Wow, that's a great deal. I just bought the Dell Mini 9 for about $50 more than that, I wish I would have waited.

Seriously, anybody who has the cash, it's worth it to be able to surf the web from your couch :)

Couch? You mean bed? That's where I am with my old 701....I want one of these for the screen, aside from screen and touchpad the 900 with 4GB SSD is identical to a 701, but I dont have the money for it