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360 Xbox 360 dashboard getting speed improvements in new update


Active Member
Major Nelson's latest podcast has some good news for Xbox 360 gamers who've found the Guide to be sluggish. A new update scheduled for later this year will increase the dashboard's speed as well as introduce new features such as Zune 1080p streaming, an avatar marketplace, and Games on Demand.

"The team has done some really good stuff around making performance enhancements," explained the Major. "'Performance enhancements' doesn't sound right because it sounds like we're going to give the Guide a little blue pill, and we're not doing that."

E, the Major's co-host, added: "Whatever we call it (and it's not going to be called the NNXE), but whatever the next version of the dashboard is called, it's better with a lot of very cool new features. That update will be out later this year."

You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the Source link. The update is mentioned about 21 minutes in
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