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The Force Unleashed Physics Not Feasible On PC, Says Dev


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In response to why LucasArts' upcoming Star Wars title The Force Unleashed won't hit the PC platform, producer Cameron Suey has revealed that the physics engine in the game is simply too complex, and cannot be downscaled to run smoothly on mainstream PC configurations.[blockquote2]In this case, it just really wasn't feasible. As much as I really understand everybody's concerns and I really understand that people want to play the game on their platform of choice, the truth of it is, the way this game is designed, based around these physics, that are simulation based and very procedural, it would take a very powerful PC to pull them off. This is definitely stretching the Xbox and the PS3 really to the farthest they can go.[/blockquote2]Excuses, excuses. I personally find this hard to believe, seeing as the game is coming to Wii and PS2. Not to mention the average PC can run physics-heavy titles like Half-Life 2 fine. This all sounds like a huge cop-out.

Force Unleashed dev reacts to PC gamer outcry [Video Gamer]


New Member
<p>More like, its a lot easier to Pirate this game on PC, and play it for free, hence why its not coming to this Platform........Tell the truth developers!!!</p>


New Member
Absolutely ridiculous.

Even IF the game stretched PC components as they say, there is still enough Crysis-capable systems out there that can play it.

Not to mention all the "enthusist" systems with hardware/software PhysX and SLI systems.

Complete bullshit.
<p>KingPepper it is much harder to pirate it on PC than on DS, PSP, PS2 and Wii so your argument is wrong.</p>
<p>Although it's true that the PC version probably can't be as good as the PS3 version (or maybe it can?) there is no problem of it being better than the rest of the console versions out there.</p>
<p>And beside they ware saying the same about GTA4 so you'll first buy the console version and then buy the slightly enhanced PC version about a year later ...</p>
<p>P.S. Why do I have to register a new account just to be able to leave a comment every time?</p>


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You don't need to create a new account after registering once. What browser are you using and do any errors show up when attempting to log-in? Make sure you don't have caps lock on, as the log-in system is case-sensitive.