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Final Fantasy XIII To Utilize Nearly 100 Percent of PS3 Power, Says Producer


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Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

We often read from developers that the full potential of PS3 has not yet been reached, that there still is room for considerable improvement in regards to SPU usage and the like. Not so for Square Enix, they are masters of the trade. Speaking in an recent interview with Japanese mag Dengeki, Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase reckons his team is pushing the console to nearly 100 percent. Says Kitase:[blockquote2]The game's development is currently going well. We are finishing up the tail end of the development. Doesn't the demo use about 50 percent of its power? Of course, I think the retail version will make use of nearly 100 percent.[/blockquote2]Sure it'll make use of nearly 100 percent - until, you know, Square's next major title is released. Then that will be said to push the console even further, to vertiginous heights. Always works this way.

Kitase further stated that the PS3 version will be completely void of disc-swapping thanks to the PS3's Blu-ray drive. Additionally, data will be cached to the internal hard drive to minimize load times, which is a plus.

Obviously, the Xbox 360 version will ship out on multiple DVDs, though it is not yet known in regards to how many.


eXo Staff
Times like these i wished i lived in japan, and i had a ps3 :mellow:


Staff Member
Additionally, data will be cached to the internal hard drive to minimize load times, which is a plus.

I'm hoping it's not like DMC4...

Think I'll skip this one and go for FFXIII Versus....just need to get a PS3


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
Most PS3 games install to the HDD nowadays actually. RE5 requires like 5GB of data to be installed, even though it is a multiplaform title. It's annoying but at least Sony lets you use a non-proprietary HDD with the PS3, so if space becomes an issue you could always upgrade the drive to 500GB.


Active Member
what so you need to import this game?

isnt there gonna be a GB release?

and for yous there if you want a ps3, i lil secret is, just buy one with a bust blu ray drive, they sell for about 60 to 100 pounds on ebay and the correct laser for it and install it, im 16 and did and if i can, im pretty sure you can.



Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
It's coming to North America/Europe, but will be released in Japan first. I'd jump on importing if I knew Japanese.


Active Member
oookay, when i read 100% im deff gonna try it out


Active Member
Well, while i have a little more income, i still refuse the basis over the cost of the unit and then the seemingly limited game range.

Re5 though and for the future for us brits Final fantasy XIII, phew. For the first time i really feel like i am missing out on something.

You have done that? i was thinking about it but with limited knowledge of the internals i wondered how plausible it was. How did you learn what do/change etc, learning as you did it?

yup, well i learnt from a guide on the net and figured the rest.
the hardest part is just get past the torx screw. lol
other then that its just phillips head, the normal sized ones and small ones. lol, i think, size 10 and size 1 or summit.
theres loads of guides on it and youtube vids.

its like a computer, with the simple plug, n stuff.

when you get to the bd, its some phillips to get in the case, then and black case, where you have to remove a magnet, then the tiny wire on the side(noobs never see it and snap it, dont snap it it, lol)
then ure at the laser tray, you can either get the laser with a deck(60-80 pounds) or just a laser(40-60 pounds)
i got the one with the deck.
and then plug everything back in and voila a ps3 working brill for 160ish quid.


thats how i got 2
i bought a brand new for my bday, then another when i found that out .


eXo Staff
yup, well i learnt from a guide on the net and figured the rest.
the hardest part is just get past the torx screw. lol
other then that its just phillips head, the normal sized ones and small ones. lol, i think, size 10 and size 1 or summit.
theres loads of guides on it and youtube vids.

its like a computer, with the simple plug, n stuff.

when you get to the bd, its some phillips to get in the case, then and black case, where you have to remove a magnet, then the tiny wire on the side(noobs never see it and snap it, dont snap it it, lol)
then ure at the laser tray, you can either get the laser with a deck(60-80 pounds) or just a laser(40-60 pounds)
i got the one with the deck.
and then plug everything back in and voila a ps3 working brill for 160ish quid.


thats how i got 2
i bought a brand new for my bday, then another when i found that out .

Sweet, i shall keep an eye out then - sounds pretty simple. He says...........