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California AP US History


Active Member
What's the name of the textbook you guys used, and, if applicable, the name of supplement book?


Active Member
Possibly. I need to get the supplement book that we're required to have, and knowing the textbook for use in California will help me find it. Though Texas and California might use the same book, in which case I can tell by the front cover.


I think each state has it's own set of books, specially made for that states standards, although I am not sure about the AP books. Might be the same for those.

Isn't that something you should be able to find on your school's website? (if it has one)


Active Member
AP is a nationwide program, so I would imagine there aren't that many types of books.

And the school website is a piece of crap. The web admin needs students to make most of his stuff. When I was in computer apps as a freshman, the class project was to create the front page =/


Who Higher Than Me?
Well check course-notes.org, they have forums so you can ask them. But the book i used was The American Pageant 12th edition.