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Demon's Souls

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I usually save 1-4 to be the last level I beat on any playthrough.

After you beat him, the floor in the Nexus disappears and if you talk to Maiden in Black, she'll bring you to a new place where the Old One is. You can either not talk to her or teleport back from the place she brings you to the Nexus to keep playing or farming for items to make weapons, or PVPing.

I've got a new build that's at SL 99 I think, so I can co-op with you now. It's a Faith Build and I've got some titty gear and have raped most of the invaders that came into my game so far.


Suck It

I had my first experience with a black phantom yesterday. The internet at my place is kind of shitty, so for some reason it rarely ever connects to the online portion of this game, and when it does it usually disconnects within no more than 10 minutes.

Yesterday though it connected and stayed connected so I got to kill some black phantoms invading my world, and I even tried out being a blue phantom and helped a couple of people kill boss demons they were stuck on.

In total there were 3 that invaded my world, I killed two of them, but the last battle he was able to kill me :/ It was a damn good fight though that's for sure, he even sent me a "nice fight" message after it was finished.

One technique I was using was having the storm ruler as my secondary right hand weapon and the meat cleaver as my primary. I'd do a quick hit with the storm ruler which knocks down any opponents, and then I'd whip out the meat cleaver and do the R2 move which rapes really anybody whose down on the ground trying to get up :laugh:

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
You'll run into people using the Storm Ruler to knock people down and then Firestorm right after that. That's about as annoying as it gets.

I've also run into people in Hyper Mode camping the spot where your Black Phantom appears and then immediately Firestorm to insta-kill.


Suck It
I was balancing the pros and cons of whether to get firestorm or god's wrath, but since my character is a little more miracle-oriented I decided to go with God's wrath. I feel like I made the wrong choice because I rarely ever use it, the casting time is waaaay too long

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
God's Wrath is good when you can use it near a cliff or something and someone else is attacking the invader. It'll give you time to pull it off and it will most likely toss them to their death. It's got a silly range.

Edit - Anyway, I'm heading into the office soon. If you see me on tonight, let me know what level you are playing and I'll drop my soul sign down and we can take care of some invaders or I can help with your NG. (Judge Smails)


God's Wrath works around corners too, so it's great if you know where your enemy is coming from.


Fantastic write-up/interview with the creator of the game. I'm going to convince one of you guys to try out this game eventually.

Souls Survivor Article | PS3 | Eurogamer

Demon's Souls gives me hope for humanity. It's such an awesome game and should truly be extremely niche, but it's accidental success speaks volumes of the people who created it and the people who play it.

That and I love King's Field and all his inspirations are also things I love.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I got hooked up with the Armory people. I now have a Faith, Dex, and Crushing build at SL 120 range and I'm building a Blueblood Sword build at the moment at SL 95. Solid gear across the board on all characters.

If you ever get into that range, I can dupe you some gear.


Your resident psycho hobo
just bought this yesterday along with red dead redemption. between rdr and working 50hr/wk, it may be 6 mo before i play it. :(


Senior Member ~ Trolololo
Does anyone know when this is out in the UK. I heard that its going to be limited edition so I'm a bit confused about that.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
You should, it's by far my favorite game on the PS3. There is a ton of depth if you choose to look for it.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
A bunch of PSN friends and I had a team PVP tourney a few weekends ago. You can see me lose at 7:15 mark of this vid. I'm the Blue Phantom with the Dragon Bone Smasher.

The player I was fighting against was super laggy and both of the times I hit him should have ended the match. But for some reason with his lag, they did little to do damage. No one can explain this.


The team I was on went on to win this. It took over four hours.

Edit - You can see the perspective of the actual players fighting in the match after mine. He was doing the recording from above for the previous ones.


New Member
It hits the UK today (25/06/2010) and it comes with a guide book and some other stuff as standard, I believe.

Edit: Yep, Black Phantom edition is UK standard edition, comes with a Strategy Guide, Art Book, and Soundtrack CD. Pretty good deal.


Yeah that's pretty much the same as the US release.

I wonder if you'll get a better guide though. The US one was writ by some random guy who played the shit out of the Asian version.


New Member
I think our guide is essentially a print out of the Demon Soul's Wikia, but I'm not entirely sure. I heard something to that effect anyway.