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PSV Epic Games Not Fully Backing PS Vita, Cites Concern Over Smartphone Competition


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Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

Epic Games inked an agreement with Sony to deploy Unreal Engine 3 on PS Vita, way back when it was previously known as NGP. Despite this, the house of Gears of War is shunning the handheld as far as in-house development goes. Company president Mike Capps told GI.biz*in a recent interview that the reluctance towards investing in a Vita project is down to the fact that its market penetration remains unknown.

Chief among Capps' concerns is the growing smartphone market, which he feels could pose a significant hurdle to success.

"It's a really cool platform, but I have a phone, and it's really hard to compete with that," explained Capps.

He added, "We got our tech on it really early[...]

Continue reading: Epic Games Not Fully Backing PS Vita, Cites Concern Over Smartphone Competition...


Really? It's hard for this machine to compete with a phone?

Completely different markets imo. Plus this has actual buttons, which is always a plus when you want to play a game that lasts more than five minutes a go.


Los Doyers!
Smartphones will never be a real threat to the handheld gaming market. Games for phones aren't designed to be played for more then a few hours really


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
Yeah I am surprised to see Epic coming out with this line of thinking, just seems very out of touch. If smartphones were are actual threat we wouldn't see the 3DS selling so well.


Shockingly Delicious
Smartphones will never be a real threat to the handheld gaming market. Games for phones aren't designed to be played for more then a few hours really

With battery life of 4 hours, I don't think Vita games will be designed to be played for more than a few hours either.

And I agree with Epic Games here. Ever since I got a smartphone I rarely even touch my PSP or NDS. Although I'd much rather play a game with actual buttons, when I'm leaving the house I don't want t be carrying a lot of stuff and I need my phone so I'll always grab that over a handheld unless I'm going on a flight or road trip which, for me at least, doesn't happen enough to buy a $400+ Vita.

The casual market has the greatest influence on gaming sales, and I hate to say it, but tablets, iPod touch's, and smartphones have that market cornered.


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
Smartphones aren't for "hardcore" gaming....pisses me off when companies dismiss mobile gaming like this because of the existence of smartphones


Active Member
Hell, I don't even use my PC for "hardcore" gaming anymore. My PSP has been discharged for years now since I got an iPod/iPhone/Android device.

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
I have no intention on buying another handheld gaming device, but if I were the fact that I have a smartphone wouldn't effect my decision. For one Playing games on my phone kills the battery way to fast, and considering my phone is also my music player that means when it dies I have no phone, no music player ,and nothing to play portable games on.
Second: touch screens suck for anything other than RPG's and puzzle games.
Third: Smartphones become outdated faster than just about any device. If an xbox retailed for 600 - 700 dollars and and was obsolete in a year would you bother using it as a primary gaming unit?

Smartphones aren't competition they are just convenient.