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forgot a movie, and cannot remember it

Ok so i have been watching a lot of movies lately, but there is one that i could never remember, it has been years and i still can not figure it out so i was hoping one of you all might know it.

Ok so the plot is about a man (I believe played by Bruce Willis) running from the cops on I believe a murder conviction. He is caught up to at a gas station, and kills a man in corn fields, but a boy sees him, (the boy is a jehovas witness, or an omish child) so he takes the child along with him. The only other thing I remember is the end, where they are in a meadow, and he attempts to pull a brochure out of his pocket, and the cops shoot him thinkin it is a gun.

Before you all start guessing i want to clarify that this movie is not witness with harrison ford, I have watched that, and it is not it. Anyway any help is appreciated thanks :laugh: