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Game Boy Turns 20 This Month


M for Messenger
Twenty years ago from this month, the 8-bit monochrome Game Boy was born. While not very aesthetically pleasing compared to portable devices of today, the grey brick radically changed public perception of what an on-the-go portable gaming device could be. For that, it deserves props. With sales eclipsing the 60 million mark, worldwide success of [...]



Active Member
I think it's a great machine, but nowhere near the best console. Definitely had fun with it though. It's strange to think that the Gameboy is actually that old.


Aah, I remember my good times with the gameboy. I remember playing Super Mario Land 1 - my first handheld game. It still remains a favorite to this day.


MD Party Room
Wow 20 years that a huge! it even older than me! The ds is no replacement for the true gameboy.


New Member
20 friggen years already? I didn't buy the black and white one, but it wasn't that far off when the Gameboy Color was released.


I had both as a child, even though I'm only 19. Didn't realise it had been so long since the birth of the Game boy. Makes me feel old!


I'm not dead
I've still got my original green screen gameboy and it still works perfectly.

Those were the days when things were made to last.


New Member
Nostalgia Explosion!
I remember getting my first Gameboy for my 7th Birthday (10 years a go come June 3rd).
The red Gameboy Pocket. That thing served me well. beat Pokemon Red and Gold on that, as well as countless other games. I can honestly say that without that little pocket device (that never actually fit my pcket), I would be a different person.


ah, good old gameboy. I remember the day when i got my Green gameboy colour, and i spent hours playing Pokemon yellow and Super Mario World..