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[Glitches?] Worse game ever.


Welcome to 2005. lol. I downloaded this game and went 200+ MPH over hills.


New Member
If I saw this in a shop, I'd buy it in an instant.
I mean, wtf? A three handled trophy with the description "YOU'RE WINNER!"


Just some dood
what?! "You're winner" SERIOUSLY?!



New Member
This is to say, actually, that none of the game's races have a purpose because there's no competition and no time limit. You win every single time. So unless you especially like seeing a winning-screen over and over again that reads "You're Winner!", there is absolutely no point in playing Big Rigs.
Quoted from a review.
In fact, GameSpot rewarded Big Rigs Over The Road Racing with that same trophy.
Well, congratulations Big Rigs, Stellar Stone, and whoever else may have been involved in this evil endeavor: You're winner.


Just some dood
This whole fiasco is clearly the work of some evil force, hell-bent on taking your money and using it to fund Russian Mob ventures of varying degrees of illicitness. What is perhaps most disgusting of all is that this game actually sold copies. More copies, in fact, than more than half of our finalists in the Best Game No One Played category. With news like that, it's hard not to lose all faith in humanity--which, incidentally, is another thing we're pretty sure the developers of this game wanted. Well, congratulations Big Rigs, Stellar Stone, and whoever else may have been involved in this evil endeavor: You're winner.

This is a piece of game journalism history.


Well, that's not fair. Of course it had more sales than the games in the "Best Game No One Played" category because, surely, if any of the games in that category ad gotten any sales, it would disqualify them from the running? :p

About the video: absolutely hilarious, though over dramatized. Still, I could see myself doing what he did when I realised I just wasted my money.


is Over 9000
In actuality, all Big Rigs offers is a scant grouping of four horrible-looking trucks to race with, five vaguely different environments that all look atrocious (one of which won't even load, ever, on any PC), an opponent truck that never actually moves (meaning there actually is no game here whatsoever), no collision detection of any kind, physics that would make Stephen Hawking weep sorrowfully into a pillow, no sound (save for a couple of horrible looping techno songs that are the rough equivalent of being stabbed in the ears repeatedly with a rusty ice pick), and perhaps the single greatest, worst, greatest again victory screen ever put into a game--so amazing, in fact, that it is now our official trophy for this award.

I lol'd so hard reading Gamespot's award for it and watching the video review. I thought it was hilarious. I've so gotta get me a copy of this game. ^_^


New Member
I shall say: