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Konami To Kick Off Pre-E3 Tease In "T-3" Days


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Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

We know for certain that famed Metal Gear Solid series director Hideo Kojima is unveiling a new game at E3 this year and if a 1UP report is to be believed, Konami plans on kickstarting the hype train as early as this week, presumably in the form of a teaser.

The site claims to have received a cryptic email from a source within Konami. Reportedly, it contained a subject line reading "T-3 Days" and in the body was a link pointing to a currently nonexistent page on the company's website.

Questions, questions. But no answers. We're looking forward to whatever is due to pop up on the site later this week, but knowing Kojima and his crafty ways, it'll only end up leaving us even more puzzled. That isn't exactly a bad thing, though. Surprises are always welcome.

Possible Kojima Productions Reveal in Three Days? [1UP]