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Lime Green Nintendo DS Lite Bundle Heading Stateside


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

By way of a now-pulled Best Buy listing, Nintendo's plans to release a lime green Nintendo DS Lite bundle in North American have been revealed. Just in time for Mother's Day, this bundle includes a copy of Personal Trainer Cooking, complete with a tropical carrying case to match.

Look for it to hit store shelves in May at a price point of $159.99. Now with the DSi out, it's a given that this bundle will get the shaft from anyone truly into gaming. But for moms not particularly interested in the latest gadgetry, it looks like a sweet deal.


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
<p>being able to take low res pictures and alter them means someone is "into gaming"??</p>

No, of course not =p But really, say you owned neither system, would you still go for a DS Lite now? To me the potential of DSiWare makes it worth getting a DSi. I wouldn't say there are any titles on the service that I'd classify as must-buy yet but that'll likely change in the future.


eXo Staff
cooking game? lol - must be a new approach to gaming. :)