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PS3 Linux Bootloader AsbestOS Running On PS3 3.41 Under GameOS


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
Marcan of Team Twiizers fame has delivered on his promise to deliver a fully-functional, open-source Linux solution for those on firmware 3.41. Bare in mind, it's still in thepreliminary stages, meaning it's not quite ready for the average end-user yet[...]

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Staff Member
Interesting...unlocking an extra SPU? Wonder if that would result in a useful performance boost for the individuals and organisations who used PS3 clusters for research, etc.


New Member
And not to mention the RSX. However using computers for the same purpose may be surpassing the PS3 solutions in price/performance right about now.


Just some dood
The one thing that makes Linux on PS3 virtually useless is the PPC architecture of the damn thing, little software is compatible (maybe base software and maybe software in which devs like to include x86, x64 and PPC), that was my main gripe when I used it.

Supercomputing however is a different beef altogether. In which case the unlocking of one more CPU is a blessing