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PS3 PS3 Firmware 3.42 Hits Network Update


For some strange reason I think Sony decided to not come down so hard on this as they could have. Almost like the update was to save face in regards to developers but I almost feel they wanted this to happen. Ok continue making games for the PS3..we fixed the hole, but thinking to themselves..ok keep working towards homebrew you guys so we can see the PS3 sales soar from it. I'm sure I'm wrong its just the way they (Sony) addressed it that is off putting.

Still no update available for my system btw, fully functional 3.41..


I don't see why not. Also I got the LGTool working again, so give that a try if all else fails.


Funny thing is this is the system I wanted to update, my offline one is @3.41 as well. Going to leave it on for awhile see if it offers me an update..but really wondering if it will do a check if I power down and back up.If I come home tonight and still no update available for me I'll try that. Must be a PS+ thing though.


Teh Fett Mawn
Still no update available for my system btw, fully functional 3.41.
i was playing off and on all day yesterday and was never prompted about an update. i just went home for lunch and booted up to watch some netflix and still no prompt. i plan on playing some red dead redemption tonight, so we will see....


"Whoa is that a girl on this team!?"
Still logged in under 3.41 as of 7:45pm EST.
My PS3 was never turned off since last night so I wonder if staying logged in PSN would keep me online until I reboot...


Still no update, lol, for my system available. Going to try a reboot..we'll see.

Switched over to my sub account instead of a reboot and update was required, used the DNS method and back online, not getting any errors so far...


"Whoa is that a girl on this team!?"
Fortunately this isn't like 360 where it just boots you from Live and gives you an update prompt. Not yet at least.

I'm still online with 3.41 at this moment.