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PSP Firmware 5.51 Released, Promises Stability Enhancements


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

Well lookie here, a new PSP firmware has conspicuously appeared on Network Update. As you'd expect, firmware 5.51 is a minor revision, with the supplied changelog vaguely mentioning of improvements in "system software stability" during use of certain features.

Not to sound cynical, as stability enhancements are always important, but in the end this amounts to changes we will likely never notice. That makes this firmware version bump a rather uneventful one. Here


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
It was already patched in 5.50 actually.




Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
That is a modified version of the original exploit and all it does is crash the PSP. There are many ways to cause a crash on the PSP, doesn't mean you'll be able to execute code through it. QJ has mislabeled that file as an exploit.


New Member
<p>The day after pspgen says "5.50-Gen coming this week" they "fix stability" and (probably) scramble the NIDs again... coincidence or pure comedy?</p>


eXo Staff
Stability = Patch .


New Member
Me also I'll stick to my current firmware! :laugh:


lol , i will update when they release gps for us.

Still astonished that they release all the cool add ons for asian states. Here in the US you have choices says sony..... You can get either a screen protector or a/v cable. If your lucky you can find a spare battery. But lets face it , We are the US we dont deserve cool things like psp cameras , gps or other sweet addons.

Yet all we do with our psp is hack them. Coincidence? that they refuse to release any thing here, and their sales honestly show it.

About once a year for the past 5-7 years I find motivation to bitch at sony for this. I got my first psp for 2 reasons. a gps to play with and with hi hopes of getting a camera and making a night vision psp.

Sony ,,, one of those mechanical monkeys with the funny hat and the drums could do a better job marketing then your executives. My guess is double A batteries to power it would cost less then the executives too. Even swinging drum sticks randomly , marketing what accessories you hit by chance would bring you more revenue then your current executives.

Any way its just that time of year again. when are you guys going to learn.


eXo Staff
I have hte gps unit, bit slow in picking up GPS but once it works it's ok, cost a fair bit to buy tho


In my humble opinion thats cheap. 50 $ for mobile gps. I spent over 100 trying to order it from the asian states. They refused to ship it, and made me fight for a refund. It was their opinion i should have read their shipping notice that units will absolutely not be shipped to the us. I did read it. I just didnt care.

In the end i was refunded. And basically got mad at sony and decided not to spend any more money till they released it in the usa. That was about 7 years ago lol.


eXo Staff
Bad luck - in conversion it would cost abotu 75$ but, yes i spse it was quite cheap. Got it off Ebay.