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Reeves: No PS3 Price Cut This Year


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

So, the Xbox 360 is receiving a hefty price cut across all models early next month, does Sony feel pressured to do the same? In short, no, not yet. Speaking in a recent interview, SCEE head honco David Reeves explained that software like LittleBigPlanet will drive PS3 sales throughout the remainder of this year and that there would not be a price cut announcement:[blockquote2]No. We're not going to drop the price this year.[/blockquote2]Too bad! But then again, maybe it's PR-speak for "we're dropping the price in a couple months." You can't really expect them to announce a price cut early, can you?

Reeves: There will be no PS3 price cut this year [VG247]


New Member
<p>Caps lock and fanboy netspeak suck.</p>
<p>Exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point.</p>


New Member
<p>Sony and their cocky ideology "we're the better console lets keep it unaffordable while our competition keeps lowering their prices and becoming the "go to" console"</p>
<p>They keep this up, the 360 will once again have higher sales then the supposed almighty PS3.</p>


<p>Honestly I would be surprised if there was one.</p>
<p>Sony..I can't understand the way they think anymore because everything they do doesn't make much sense. lol</p>