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Retro Review: Platoon


M for Messenger

Name: Platoon
Year Released: 1987
System: NES


As a gamer I feel it is pretty safe to say that we gain a great amount of joy from original ideas that are executed creatively and designed well. However, we all know of a darker side of the gaming world that exists due to the film industry[...]

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Active Member
This was really fun to read. Nice job Eldiablov.

It's rare to see a review of a bad game, much less a movie game at that :p

Looks like crap has no time limit.


New Member
The fact that you played this for a review.. amazing. I want to review Big Rigs actually, I downloaded it to give to someone who kept annoying me (he kept asking me to download Dragon Age Origins, even though I told him it wouldn't fit on a dvd)


Meta Moose
Short and snappy. It's how I like 'em. Nice read; interesting, funny, and original. You don't often see reviews on a game that is so old and also so bad.

Nice one, eldiablov. Thanks for the good read.


Thanks for the positive comments guys, I'll be sure to alternate between good and bad games for your future enjoyment xD


is Over 9000
The only thing you'd notice is that you're a skinny white guy in the midst of a war zone being attacked by black guys that look like Rambo.

I lol'd quite hard when reading this, espcially that sentence above. To be honest, this is the first retro review I've read, and thanks to your efforts it probebly won't be the last. I'm looking forward to the next, and have plenty of others to read in the meantime. Thanks Eldiablov, good review. :tup: