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Sony Asks: Why Do You Hack Your PSP?

El Diablo

I don't think people "only hack to cheat in video games". Hell I didn't even know there were any online cheats for any psp games, but saying people only hack their psps to cheat online is just ridiculous.

Also necroing a year+ old thread ftw.


New Member
Thats not the only reason, lots of people do it for the free stuff online, but it's still wrong. Plus the main reason is do have an advanatage over everyone in a game. If you don't think so then play SOCOM. It's just how it all started and why it's still going.

El Diablo

People were hacking the psp long before any of the socom games were released so you're wrong. It has nothing to do with having "an advantage over everyone in a game".

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
If I remember correctly my original reason for modding my PSP was for emulators.

Edit: I didn't realize how old this thread was.


New Member
Am I not correct on why MOST people do it these days in the first place? People hacked so they can feel better than everyone LONG before PSN and other stuff. Hackers aren't a problem other than hacking games. It's just annoying and thats why anyone ever talks about hackers.
Thought this looked old.

"To see if I could get away with it". Jeez, Sony was really driving the whole "THIS IS WRONG" argument about CFW, weren't they? Kind of funny to consider that via the DMCA Exception that this is perfectly legal nowadays.


Active Member
It was true though. The PSP scene wasn't exactly filled with older people. A lot found satisfaction in doing it purely because it was outside the norm.

As for me, I just wanted emulators.


eXo Staff
Because i could, and why should'nt i want to do more than SCE thought i should.