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is Over 9000
I'm only going to do that if the majority of my followers demand it. Although, I suppose at the moment, you are the majority of my followers. :scared:


Suck It
I don't buy into this garbage. Twitter is so disinteresting to me. While everybody jumps on this bandwagon, I'll keep my distance thanks.


New Age Retro Hippie
I don't buy into this garbage. Twitter is so disinteresting to me. While everybody jumps on this bandwagon, I'll keep my distance thanks.

I get more news from Twitter's trending topics than anywhere else (I don't look very far). It's micro-blogging. I can't stand it when people like my parents tell me twitter is stupid. Then they mock it, pretending to text while saying "going to the bathroom. Eating a sandwich. Going to Work." Yeah, Twitter is VERY limited to what you can do compared to Facebook, which makes it an unpopular choice but I disagree. Twitter's character limit keeps your posts short, while giving you enough space to micro blog. Everyone that says twitter sucks because their lives are boring is a little misled and I'm assuming those people have a facebook, which contradicts their argument.

I agree, twitter is probably better suited at celebrities but that is not, in any way, a bad thing for average people like us. I follow a few celebrities that I'm interested in like Chad Ochocinco (hilarious football player) and even bigger people like the president and other government people. I also follow people that are critical on things I'm interested in like technology, media, and politics. Someone could enjoy twitter by doing absolutely nothing but following people and maybe even commenting on their posts with replies.

One flaw that I will admit with twitter, is the overflowing use of twitter as a marketing tool. I have 22 followers and 9 of them are either bots, business marketers, or just someone random that I don't know. There are tools and programs to weed out those users so it shouldn't be a problem.

In my opinion, twitter is useful and it's better at different things. I like Facebook more because I think twitter is a little too limited, but I do like the idea of simply micro-blogging.


New Member
Twitter is useful for searches.
This september, a muse album went on the internet. if you'd have checked the hastag #museleak, and you'd have got a page full of links, mirrors, IRC channels and other useful info. Although a lot of the API stuff is useless (case and point), searches often show up a lot of useful information.
Oh, and I have a twitter account. It's rarely used unless I'm playing canabalt, ranting about Lockerz or a soccer match, or asking Gearbox Software for a borderlands update.


Suck It
gr34t3st, I prefer getting my information in a more manual manner. ie. google.

While twitter may be useful to you, I do not find it useful whatsoever.


Is it cool if I make an eXophase twitter list now?

I'm pretty bored, and I don't know what happened to the MforMature one...


Just some dood
Is it cool if I make an eXophase twitter list now?

I'm pretty bored, and I don't know what happened to the MforMature one...

Sure go ahead :p I think it'd be useful