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Urban Legends/Conspiracy Theories Thread


Active Member
Do you know what program that was Dan? I'd like to see it.


Well, It was first mentioned on QI - Hosted by Stephen Fry, which I later looked up on the web. I'm pretty sure Wiki will say it somewhere. I'll try and find it.

Edit:This is quite a good article on it.


The Bible is spoken in metaphor in some places. Like Jesus' parables. Hence why they're parables, because they're applicable in real life and don't need to be literal to be true.

Oh, yes. It's metaphor wherever it doesn't make sense or doesn't agree with what you already believe, and literal where it does...


Active Member
MK-ULTRA is complete fact, no doubt about it but was it ever a conspiracy theory that transpired to be true? Sure there are theories which link in with it but was it itself ever a conspiracy theory and not just a government experiment that they later brought to light?
They are cleverly mixing facts with opinions to make the baseless theories seem more plausible.

Take this article with a massive grain of salt people, the site has a clear agenda and they're twisting facts to fit that agenda. That's propaganda.


MK-ULTRA is complete fact, no doubt about it but was it ever a conspiracy theory that transpired to be true? Sure there are theories which link in with it but was it itself ever a conspiracy theory and not just a government experiment that they later brought to light?
They are cleverly mixing facts with opinions to make the baseless theories seem more plausible.

Take this article with a massive grain of salt people, the site has a clear agenda and they're twisting facts to fit that agenda. That's propaganda.

Indeed, while reading the article, I was wondering myself whether some of them were born as theories, let alone supported ones. A few of them seemed implausible to have people been theorizing about it. But yeah, I linked to the article because I thought it was quite an interesting read.


New Member
Have you guys ever heard of HAARP? It's a secret military base in Alsaska that experiments with controlling the weather to trigger storms (military use) and using sound frequencies to change our moods and actions.

Watch this
pt1 HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 1
pt2 HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 2

There's a lot of conspiracy theories regarding HAARP but its power to change mood and action or weather is possibly exaggerated. That said, I haven't watched the video and I'll check it out soon.

Everything HAARP has done has been logged and is freely available btw, so perhaps these ideas are based on those logs?


New Age Retro Hippie
I was listening to the radio this morning and they were discussing conspiracy theories. It wasn't anything formal or serious, just things they've heard. One girl called in and said that she honestly believed the government implemented the H1N1 flu into the United States. They supposedly put sterilites in the vaccine as a form of population control. As for the way they unleashed H1N1, she believed that they were using Build-A-Bear Workshop. She was being dead serious.


eXo's Resident Brony
I was listening to the radio this morning and they were discussing conspiracy theories. It wasn't anything formal or serious, just things they've heard. One girl called in and said that she honestly believed the government implemented the H1N1 flu into the United States. They supposedly put sterilites in the vaccine as a form of population control.

I've been watching Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, and supposedly the government is "cutting the population down to 500,000,000". In which the H1N1 virus was a part of cutting us down. So, the people who've taken the vaccine will be sterile. Or so they say.

EDIT: Should've read part pf that, but yeah.. I think it may be true considering there are tablets that say "Population at 500,000,000" or something to that effect.


Active Member
What an easy plan to unravel if it was true, surely all people would have to do is take a sterility test and then it'd be blown wide open?
That theory severely lacks sense.


New Member
I agree, if a government planned to introduce population control they'd either do it as an outright ban on the number of children (eg China), or if they wanted to do something like that they'd do it randomly, not spiking ALL tamiflu or ALL vaccine.


User Not Found
On-topic (sorta) : We've done a lot on the one child policy in China, quite a lot of the time its a bad idea. When a girl is born, they cannot continue the family name and therefore the baby girl is killed/abandoned in favour of a boy. This then means if every family wants there to be a boy born (and this next bit is not true) and if every family is willing to abandon a baby girl, you're going to get a major shortage of women in the next few generations.

Off topic: I just read the top of this page and thought of Muse.... MK Ultra.. HAARP... Oh man.


Active Member
That's not a problem with the idea though, the idea makes sense.
If the social construct of boys carrying on the name didn't exist then that preference to boys over girls wouldn't be a problem.