• Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users. This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.


  1. Nardan176

    I have a question - "option 'Hide Games' with 0% completion"

    I have always had the option activate to "hide games with 0% progress" enabled in my profile options, and from my profile they are not seen, so far all good, the problem is that when I see my profile in "incognito" mode of Chrome, and I see the section of plataforms from my profile, for example...
  2. KGBc00L

    Feature suggestions

    Hi. Thanks for an awesome site! :) Even so, I have some suggestions. 1. Option to display aggragates (sum(time spent), max(last played) etc.) on games cross platform (i.e. Minecraft stats on Win, PS4, Xbox combined, and not separately. ) 2. A way to alter the sort order for more that just...