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username change

  1. LivonianOrder

    Username change [last time]

    Well this is the last time i will want to change my username, can i use the username ASDFOrder ?
  2. LivonianOrder

    Username change

    Well can i change my username from Fehlerhaft to LivonianOrder ?
  3. X

    About username.

    Can support help me changing my old username that I don't use anymore or just forget it about it?
  4. LivonianOrder

    Could you change my username?

    To Fehlerhaft
  5. B

    Username change

    Hello, I would like my username to be changed to "BotwITB", I was not aware that I could not change it after account creation. Sorry for any trouble!
  6. DetonaSaurus

    Change User Name

    Hey guys! Could someone help me with my profile? I need to adjust my username to DetonaSaurus in the url too, in my gametag I already got it. Thanks if anyone can help me.
  7. iTzGlGAxX

    Username Change Request — Allow Use of an Username from a Deleted Account and Its Use As the Username of General Gaming Accounts (XBL, PSN, etc.)

    Hi, iTzGiGAxX was the GT/name of my than standard account. However, I was facing many issues with the site at that time and fucked up some of my info, things that could'nt be changed, which made me ask for the deletion of my account, which was done in a couple of days. Immediately as I got to...