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3.40 OE-A Install Guide


New Member
OK thanks. But I've heard horror stories about messing with the CPU's clock speed. You know, about it catching fire and people running around...on fire...with their skin hanging off and everything. Oh, the humanity.


New Member
I forget, but I think it was pertaining to a SNES EMU anyway. Anyways, thanks for the fix. +rep.


But I was committed after that birthday party...
OK thanks. But I've heard horror stories about messing with the CPU's clock speed. You know, about it catching fire and people running around...on fire...with their skin hanging off and everything. Oh, the humanity.

Now I don't know if I believe that, but I JUST started runnin' UMDs at 300, haven't tried VCS since, so maybe it IS better now. Thanks for the suggestion, roe!


New Member
Apologies if this is in the wrong thread or whatever, but how come the Chrono Trigger eboot is so small? I've never played Chrono Trigger, but I heard it was comparable to FFVII - which is around 1,500MB - and yet, the CT eboot is only around 350MB.


But I was committed after that birthday party...
Apologies if this is in the wrong thread or whatever, but how come the Chrono Trigger eboot is so small? I've never played Chrono Trigger, but I heard it was comparable to FFVII - which is around 1,500MB - and yet, the CT eboot is only around 350MB.

Because CT is, for one, only one disc, two, is 2D, three, is a port of an SNES game just with better music, actual anime FMVs, and a gallery to track all of the done endings 'n' such, and four, it's pretty much one of the best games ever.


New Member
So you're saying it's a relatively short game? I mean if it's got FMV, 3D-graphics and high production values etc., just like FFVII, but is only 1/5 of the size (in terms of bytes), then it must be relatively short, right?


But I was committed after that birthday party...
Whoops, I meant it's 2D, and it's playtime easily rivals that of FFVII, especially considering it has 15 (!) endings.
(Can't believe that typo, CT is one of my favorite games of all time)


New Member
Well that explains it. I'm definitely going to play it - I've heard some amazing things about it...


New Member
The original Chrono Trigger for SNES was a 3MB cartridge, and it has a world map roughly equivalent to that of FFVII. To be honest, the PSX version is a really shoddy port; it's nothing but a glorified emulator (the original SNES ROM can be found in the PSX ISO), there's nasty load times introduced when going to the menu that weren't in the original. The added anime is also pretty shitty, but that's a subjective opinion of mine, I guess other people might like it.

I have a problem with this firmware, anyway. I've downgraded and upgraded up to 3.40 oe without issue, I can run some game demos and .ISO files. However .CSO files won't show. And yes, I'm putting them in the ISO folder in root and browsing the memory card in the XMB, it shows up Metal Slug Anthology (ISO, in \ISO) and a Lumines 2 demo (in \PSP\GAME), but nothing else (.ISO or .CSO) will show. I've tried changing region in recovery and turning on NO-UMD (which helped Metal Slug), no luck in gettting the games to show. I've read through tonnes of stuff, so I'm really not sure... I do have a third party memory stick, and I've formatted it a bunch of times, but no difference. Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Yes I knew someone with a fake mem stick in which if some of his isos went over a certain size it either wasnt playable or didnt show.


But I was committed after that birthday party...

Yea, take back the bad words of the PSX Chrono Trigger or die:mad1:.

No, but seriously, what 3rd party memstick do you have? Sandisk? Where did you get the ISOs/CSOs?


New Member
ok guys, heres one. i got a umd rip, or so it says. and inside are 30 RAR files, all the same size (14,649 KB) and then a R30 file. what the hell do i do with them? lol thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
We dont support piracy so we cannot tell you anything about what you just asked. Please read the forum rules first.


New Member
i own the game, i just didnt dump it myself, have tried a few times, but i cant figure it out. i thought it was ok, to have an iso of a game, if you own it, whether downloaded or otherwise. i just hate having to carry around a case of games, along with my psp.


Well-Known Member
No downloading of games is illegal wether you own it or not. Just dump it yourself using my guide in the psp faqs and guides section