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3.80 M33 Install Guide

help!! from 3.8 to 3.8 m33

i got a psp slim on january it comes with the 3.8 firmware and i want to change it to 3.8 m33.. how can i do it??
please i need some help, im new with this and i dont know how to do it...
i got a psp slim on january it comes with the 3.8 firmware and i want to change it to 3.8 m33.. how can i do it??
please i need some help, im new with this and i dont know how to do it...

Get a Pandora battery and magic memory stick. Official firmware can't convert a battery to Pandora so you'll need to find someone else who has custom firmware that can do this for you. Or buy a pre-converted battery.
im a complete dumbass i put the files for the update in and i went to the flash0 drive to get rid of my custom theme and i left real quick to get something, i come back and my sister is on the computer and erased everything in the flash0 drive. i had the backup files for 3.52 M33-4 which is what i had, and since i never actually ran the update i didn't think it would hurt, but now its bricked. i can only bring up the recovery menu, after that it just stays black...is there anything i can do to fix it?
im a complete dumbass i put the files for the update in and i went to the flash0 drive to get rid of my custom theme and i left real quick to get something, i come back and my sister is on the computer and erased everything in the flash0 drive. i had the backup files for 3.52 M33-4 which is what i had, and since i never actually ran the update i didn't think it would hurt, but now its bricked. i can only bring up the recovery menu, after that it just stays black...is there anything i can do to fix it?

Try this: (works only on 3.52M33 or lower firmware though if you can only access the recovery menu)

thanx dude, worked like a charm, can I still update it to 3.80 M33 though?

If you are on 3.52 M33-3 or above yes, you can update straight to 3.80 M33.
ok ive got it updated to 352M33-3 and i followed the install guide for 3.80 M33-5, but when i go to run it it gives me "game could not be started (80020148)" wat should i do? (srry im a noob)
ok ive got it updated to 352M33-3 and i followed the install guide for 3.80 M33-5, but when i go to run it it gives me "game could not be started (80020148)" wat should i do? (srry im a noob)

3.80 M33-5 is an update for 3.80 M33.

You need to use the original 3.80 M33 installer first, as detailed in the first post of this thread.
Here is a step by step guide for installing 3.80 M33. Please note that you must be running 3.52 M33-3, or higher to begin this installation.

Installation Guide

First grab the 3.80 M33 files and extract them.

1. Copy the UPDATE folder contained in the archive to X:/PSP/GAME

2. Download the 3.80 EBOOT, and then place it in X:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE

3. Navigate to the Game menu on the PSP and execute the program, it will not run unless there is 78 percent battery free.

4. Press X and the update process will start. Yes it may look similar to a regular Sony update but don't worry!

5. Once finished, the updater will ask you to press X or O to reboot. You MUST do this, otherwise you'll end up with a brick.

6. You've successfully installed 3.80 M33! Now download and install the latest M33 update by navigating to the Network Update icon located in the PSP's main menu screen (XMB). This will require an active WiFi connection. In case you do not have one, follow the manual instructions to apply the latest update here.

i done all that but i'm getting this message.
can not open file then it restarts
wat am i doin wrong
i done all that but i'm getting this message.
can not open file then it restarts
wat am i doin wrong

Be Specific.
What firmware are you on, at which step are you stuck, what was screen show before the error showed up.
OK i followed the steps in the guide, but i get this message when i try to start from psp-menu "The system software of your psp system is version 3.80. there is no need to update.

i have version 3.80 m33-5, pandora battery and magic memorystick (i think thats whats it called) and everythings been working perfectly till now, anyone know what i might be doing wrong?

ok, i know now, this is a thread for getting the update, i am trying to get psone-emu.

Sorry, thanks for a great guide though!
I just bought a new psp with 5.00 M33-4 firmware. i used to play on my friend's psp with 3.80 M33-5 firmware. now that i have my own unit, i cant play my old saved games. that's around 500+ hours that i'll be throwing away if i cant find a way to import my saved games. can anyone out there help me? please?