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3ds max help...


New Member
oK, i am in desperate help, not with the program obtainability, but on a project.

If someone can lend a hand, please pm me or post.


Ok, well I have been sort of sick, and missed a lot of class lately for my 3ds max class.

Its a high school course to start, but its a 2 credit class, so I cannot mess up and I really need some help.

I have spent like 3 weeks trying to figure out what I am going to do, and finally got it all done in about 8 hours of work total, after many things.

I am wondering if there are any people here that are experienced with max and could help me animate this, as I am really stuck, far to complicated for me.

As is is now, I have a dirt bike, that I need to go around a track, but the problem is, I am having issues, deciding on how to get it to go.

I have thought about path constraint but, not sure about it.

Any help? Theres got to be someone on here with some good experience and could help me out a little in the process, im better at modeling then actual animation.

Right now, I have spent several hours on detail, and don't have time to model any more, its far past time, and I need to animate, so there is no engine on the bike, lol. :D

Heres how it looks now, with no animation done atm



Keyframe Animation comes into mind :)

Set keyframes along the timeline for every point in time where something for the bike changes (direction, speed, alignment, whatever).

max will do the in-between frames by itself, you only need to specify a frame range to render (and set output to a video format) in the rendering dialog.

IIRC there's also a tut on keyframe anim shipped with max.


New Member
Ya, I understand that and know, but I am in like... more advanced lol.

I just need some help now, with mix the animation I have now, basically it follows a path, that I have give it, and I have edited all the turns it makes. But I need to some how make the bike actually go on the jumps and bumps, and my ideas are trying to get the reactor to work with the path that I have done.

Do you know 3ds max?

Ill put a rendered video up of what it looks like currently.


I don't know 3dmax that well, just messed around with it a bit some time ago....

I wish we would learn such stuff in public....


I don't know 3dmax that well, just messed around with it a bit some time ago....

I wish we would learn such stuff in public....

If you mean get the app, I am sure there are ways to get it.

But that looks interesting. I might look into taking a similar class next year.


New Member
If they offer it at your High school, I suggest taking it.


New Member
I tihnk he means as in having open courses like that where he lives?

If so i agree to, my school doesnt provide anything besides math science english etc..

I had to play around with max myself jus to figure out stuff.


New Member
I am rendering a preview for you guys, nothing special, but I need to work on it a lot.

ETA: 1 Hour.


Funny Little Green Ghouls
you are adding a texture to the dirt right ? it looks way too plain by itself

I would help but I don't use maya, 3ds max, etc.

blender is the best imo


New Member
Is blender free? Anyways, atm, no, no material will be added right now, I don't have time to work on that, trying to finalize the animation, but I am not doing too well. And have a 65 in the course, its a AP 2 credit class too.


Funny Little Green Ghouls
Is blender free? Anyways, atm, no, no material will be added right now, I don't have time to work on that, trying to finalize the animation, but I am not doing too well. And have a 65 in the course, its a AP 2 credit class too.

yeah blender is free, and adding a texture takes like 2 seconds


New Member
yeah blender is free, and adding a texture takes like 2 seconds

Ya, I know it will only take me a few to add textures, but to perfect it, its going to take far more then just 2 seconds.


Funny Little Green Ghouls
Ya, I know it will only take me a few to add textures, but to perfect it, its going to take far more then just 2 seconds.

What do you mean by perfect it ? It's just dirt, doesn't have to be fancy, you could even use a picture of dirt and make it repeat a ton of times.