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A total noob to web development


It's always something I've wanted to learn, but where do I begin? Ex. I'd like to know the difference between all of the web programming languages, and their uses. Any help would be great :)

edit: Also if any of you could recommend some good books for this kind of stuff I'd appreciate that as well.


Funny Little Green Ghouls
It's always something I've wanted to learn, but where do I begin? Ex. I'd like to know the difference between all of the web programming languages, and their uses. Any help would be great :)

edit: Also if any of you could recommend some good books for this kind of stuff I'd appreciate that as well.
I recommend starting out using kompozer
KompoZer - Easy web authoring

Then you can learn from the code, and move on to CSS.


New Member
I fiddled around for a year, learned a lot all by myself, I took a course on it in high school, and learned CSS.

Start out with some examples from W3:
HTML Tutorial

Its very easy, they give you examples and such.


New Member
For HTML and CSS, I recommend w3schools.com, as that's basically what I used when I was starting out, and then moved up to w3.org (which is the heavy stuff--you don't want that if you don't know what you're doing). It can also help with JS. I usually use MDC (Main Page - MDC) for JavaScript and DOM reference.

As for PHP, MySQL, etc, I bought a (really bad) book for that sort of thing, so I can't really give any recommendations, as I used what I learned from the book as bootstrapping and then the official sites to get properly acquainted with the languages.


MFM Survivor
I say start out coding by hand, then go into programs like dreamweaver if you want to use a WYSIWYG.

Coding by hand is the most important thing you can do, relying on a program isn't always going to help you out if something doesn't turn out the way you want to look.
I agree with Archaemic's decisions on the web sites to refer to.
I also recommend w3schools, it's a good site and reference as well. I advise learning to code first, using WYSIWYG won't teach you much. Using WYSIWYG makes your code difficult to read and verbose, so I prefer by code anyway. I started with xHTML, then CSS and then finally PHP (I'm still learning). After that, you just have to keep practicing to keep your skills sharp. You can learn heaps on your own. Good Luck!


New Member
I've been trying to get into web development too recently. I started off learning HTML untill i was pretty confident. I made my first site (without any graphics). Then i went ahead and got Dreamweaver. I've still got a lot to learn, but i've made a half decent site.


New Member
I should preface this by saying I'm kind of an elitist when it comes to web design, but WYSIWYG tools are just awful hacks. Hand coding is the way to go. It's just sometimes there really isn't the time for these things, or rapid prototype is necessary, I guess. I dunno, I write everything by hand.



LOL, by hand ftw, validation FTL? haha Anywats Xhtml + JS + CSS = all u need for 1337 websites, and maybe some PS skills. Read up on w3schools on html the read the XHTML standard (html stripped) and practice there untill proficent, then learn CSS. Then take the time to learn programming techniques and then learn JS. Then PHP, then MySQL. Then you can make any page! That you will ever need (flash is over rated)

Also, only use a text editor and a web browser DO NOT USE ANY SPECIAL MAGIC APP, untill you have complete understanding. Then you can use them to mock sites then code back through the code to refine it.


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
I don't know how people use WYSIWYG editors, especially Dreamweaver. On the whole I find it easier, even faster, to type all the code by hand. Many times Dreamweaver doesn't do what you want it to do and creates a mess of unneeded code in the process. This is turn only leads to more debugging work.


New Member
I love to use dream weaver as its more productive and faster to manage things.

Can't wait to get the CS4 suite installed. legally


New Member
First read up on HTML, CSS, and JS on w3schools. Then get firebug and use it to examine various goodlooking webpages so you can get an idea how css is used to make shit look nice. Then go to the official sites for php and mysql and read the manuals. PHP and MySQL Web Development by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson is a good cover from basic intro to PHP and SQL to practical applications but assumes youre proficient with HTML and how to install setup and run shit that needs run. It also doesn't go near the way big projects should be done with all the fancy templating and MVC etc logic or memcache or anything but meh whatever.

1. w3schools html css js
2. php and sql manuals
3. if you dont get php and sql, read book. if you do, read it anyway, youll learn something
4. go back and learn xhtml standard if you didnt already before you make any real sites

some people dont like programming books for various reasons but I find that the book I recommended is a lot more explanations and telling you about shit than it is feeding you code and documentation like most books. to each his own if so he may choose.

Also death to WYSIWYG


First read up on HTML, CSS, and JS on w3schools. Then get firebug and use it to examine various goodlooking webpages so you can get an idea how css is used to make shit look nice. Then go to the official sites for php and mysql and read the manuals. PHP and MySQL Web Development by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson is a good cover from basic intro to PHP and SQL to practical applications but assumes youre proficient with HTML and how to install setup and run shit that needs run. It also doesn't go near the way big projects should be done with all the fancy templating and MVC etc logic or memcache or anything but meh whatever.

1. w3schools html css js
2. php and sql manuals
3. if you dont get php and sql, read book. if you do, read it anyway, youll learn something
4. go back and learn xhtml standard if you didnt already before you make any real sites

some people dont like programming books for various reasons but I find that the book I recommended is a lot more explanations and telling you about shit than it is feeding you code and documentation like most books. to each his own if so he may choose.

Also death to WYSIWYG


I love to use dream weaver as its more productive and faster to manage things.

Can't wait to get the CS4 suite installed. legally

Bro I just installed CS4, its really, really cool.


New Member
CS3 Master Suite/Design? which one? And did you buy it?


New Member
lol, darn you, but I understand, its outrageous!

You can use a school id to get a discount...


Active Member
I hand code everything starting from a blank text file.


I'm extremely picky when it comes to standards but you can't blame a huge web app like vB for failing standards with all the plugins we've thrown in, that just shows a little ignorance on your part.

@OP: You should learn XHTML 1.0 Strict I'd say, people say it's harder to code in but I write standards compliant HTML naturally so I can't tell.

Always, always, always use classes and IDs with CSS, never inline style things using attributes (width="500", etc). You'll thank yourself in the long run.
I never can understand why some people don't use CSS.

Oh and don't you dare use tables for layout, don't even think about it.

For JS I'd just say get a framework like jQuery. For about a year I've tried dealing with browser differences by write straight JS (out of arrogance really) but it's just not worth it. jQuery levels the playing field and makes it a lot easier to use JS on all browsers.

PHP is easy, really easy. Just look at one or two examples then go straight to the php.net manual, at a beginner level PHP is ridiculously straight forward.

lol, darn you, but I understand, its outrageous!

You can use a school id to get a discount...

There's nothing wrong with pirating any Adobe program, anyone who is going to download it wasn't really a potential customer anyway. That's why it's so easy to crack, Adobe don't make their money off people like us.

Basically my advice is don't listen to anything Sullivan says and do listen to TacticalPenguin, x3sphere and Archaemic.