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Adressing Retro Achievements game titles for Hacks/Demos/Prototypes/Homebrews


New Member
I wonder, is there anything we can do about titles for games from Retro Achievements that are marked as Hack / Demo / Prototype / Homebrew?
im talking about the tilde before the name of the game. Example ...

~Hack~ Castlevania: The Holy Relics

basically, it brakes alphabetical (A-Z) sorting for me, and i think for some people too, at least ones that care about such setting for sorting as default.
I dont know what is the factor behind the titles that are generated on the profile (on exophase) from RetroAchiv. but i would love to mark these games (Hack / Demo / Prototype / Homebrew) in parenthesis, so example would be ...

Castlevania: The Holy Relics (Hack)

and if game is more types at the same time, like this one
then ...

Mario Kart: Virtual Cup (Homebrew/Prototype)

if someone adressed this before then sorry, i looked around for a bit but didnt find anything related to it.
That's how the titles are formatted in RetroAchievements' API, we currently don't apply any formatting ourselves. They seem to all follow the same format so it'd certainly be possible to strip any labels inside the tildes and add them in as tags possibly (can still display in parenthesis).

If added as tags it would also be possible to setup filters for these categories as well.
That's how the titles are formatted in RetroAchievements' API, we currently don't apply any formatting ourselves. They seem to all follow the same format so it'd certainly be possible to strip any labels inside the tildes and add them in as tags possibly (can still display in parenthesis).

If added as tags it would also be possible to setup filters for these categories as well.
That sounds promising, I think a lot of people would appreciate these implementations.