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Another "Which Game Should I Buy"


I'm really torn here (this is PS3 btw): I could use a good single player game, since I'm almost finished with Mirror's Edge, but a decent multiplayer wouldn't be bad either. It's down between Resistance 2, MGS4, Little Big Planet, and COD WAW. My friend recommended Little Big Planet, and said it makes the time fly, he also said Resistance 2 is really good. Any pros/cons on each game? Any input is appreciated.
After only playing LBP Beta I can tell you that that was fun as hell. I played CoD:WaW beta on 360 and that was alright, but I think its better now that the full game is out.
All are great games which all include both single/multiplayer and are sure to take up tons of your time.

Eeney, meeney, miney, moe...
Little Big Planet got old really fast for me. Unless you're hugely creative then I'd rule that one out.
Little Big Planet got old really fast for me. Unless you're hugely creative then I'd rule that one out.

Lol doesn't sound like it's for me then.

edit: I'm really torn between MGS4 and R2. MGO comes with MGS4 right?
MGO requires tons of patience to learn. It's not at all forgiving. And expect a lot of paid content if you use it.
LBP and COD WAW is where your money is at.

Get LBP now, and get WAW for Christmas.
WaW is pretty bad in my eyes compared to CoD4. Also, I say if you don't know WHAT to buy with your money, you shouldn't buy anything at all and wait until you want something.
WaW is pretty bad in my eyes compared to CoD4. Also, I say if you don't know WHAT to buy with your money, you shouldn't buy anything at all and wait until you want something.

It's not like that, I know I'm buying a PS3 game, but I'm really torn between the two, I'm sorta leaning between MGS4 though. And ya, as for WAW, it can wait.
MGS4 is epic. Loved every minute of it. Just be prepared for lots of cutscene (but they're pausable and skippable). The storyline is great and excellent gameplay. MGO, as mentioned before, is difficult. You will need to work in a team, and unless you keep up with the expansion packs, you can get excluded quick. I heaven't played R2, LBP or WaW yet, so i can't give you my opinions on that.
So MGO is like CS:S right? Where everybody gets headshots and you get raped? And these expansion packs: are they all $$$, or are there some free ones?
Get mirrors e... oh you already got that
get iron man has good grfx gr8 gameplay
midnight club l.a (though i thoght this was better on xbox360)
gta4 (way better on ps3)
saints row 2 (if you feelin gankstuh)

im waiting to see a sims game. they all start out fun for 3-4 years then get boring when you use all customization options.
Get mirrors e... oh you already got that
get iron man has good grfx gr8 gameplay
midnight club l.a (though i thoght this was better on xbox360)
gta4 (way better on ps3)
saints row 2 (if you feelin gankstuh)

im waiting to see a sims game. they all start out fun for 3-4 years then get boring when you use all customization options.

wut o_O...

gta4 i'll have for pc, iron man and midnight club are a no for me, and as for warhawk that's not a bad idea, I liked the beta.
So MGO is like CS:S right? Where everybody gets headshots and you get raped? And these expansion packs: are they all $$$, or are there some free ones?

REALLY easy headshots. Pretty much everyone sprays in that general direction to get the headshot. All ex packs cost $$$. Buy it for MGS4, not MGO.
Get mirrors e... oh you already got that
get iron man has good grfx gr8 gameplay
midnight club l.a (though i thoght this was better on xbox360)
gta4 (way better on ps3)
saints row 2 (if you feelin gankstuh)

im waiting to see a sims game. they all start out fun for 3-4 years then get boring when you use all customization options.

...iron man you got to be kidding me. How did that game get to the top of your list (unless your just naming off games you own.)
Get mirrors e... oh you already got that
get iron man has good grfx gr8 gameplay
midnight club l.a (though i thoght this was better on xbox360)
gta4 (way better on ps3)
saints row 2 (if you feelin gankstuh)

im waiting to see a sims game. they all start out fun for 3-4 years then get boring when you use all customization options.

Iron man sucked
Midnight club is ok but not exactly the pick of the bunch right now.
GTA 4 was better on 360 :neutral:
Saints row 2 was ok
Warhawk is very enjoyable for pure multiplayer fun

But I would go with mgs 4, but if you do dont expect too much multiplayer fun. The online appeals to a very narrow audience, luckily i'm in that narrow audience :D
I really can't make a decision, so I decided to get both, starting with Resistance 2 just because a few of my friends have it.