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Anyone play Metal gear Online?


That guy, who Records Music.
i play once in a while but i generally don't because none of my friends play

I've been looking for someone to play with! YES! I LOVE YOU!

My mgo is z357x. I made a clan called Prinny Patrol... Has like me and some other dood I don't know as members, but I made an awesome Prinny icon for it. Please join.

What times are you online? I added you to my PSN friends. Did you confirm that yet?
ah no i didn't dude, sorry, i haven't been on my ps3 lately, been busy. but
i'll get on in a bit and accept your request and send you a message from there :D
I've only played it a few times, and haven't really gotten too deeply involved. I might give it another try soon, since I'm looking to get more use out of my games
Slasher said:
I've only played it a few times, and haven't really gotten too deeply involved. I might give it another try soon, since I'm looking to get more use out of my games
Join my clan if you do start playing it.
I play rarely. I'm a MGS nutcase but i hate the multiplayer. It just feels weird.

The Japanese dont know how to make a good multiplayer. All the good ones are from western countries.
Vee said:
I play rarely. I'm a MGS nutcase but i hate the multiplayer. It just feels weird.

The Japanese dont know how to make a good multiplayer. All the good ones are from western countries.
Personal tates I suppose. I like MGO because I hate other multiplier. I was in on the R2 beta and I did not enjoy it at all.
I'm almost always just sneaking up behind people and choking them out then taking their weapons anyway. So I don't have much of an issue with the Camera.
There is a massive skill difference, half the time I play, it's with 2 or 3 FOXHOUNDs and 5 sloths (on separate teams, so the sloths get pushed back to their spawn point and die repeatedly). Additionally, whats up with headshots? half the deaths are due by headshot.

However, the team component is awesome. It really challenges the way you play and forces you to come up with team-based tactics. If i manage to get a team that works together, it becomes great fun (especially TSNE).
Zero. said:
There is a massive skill difference, half the time I play, it's with 2 or 3 FOXHOUNDs and 5 sloths (on separate teams, so the sloths get pushed back to their spawn point and die repeatedly). Additionally, whats up with headshots? half the deaths are due by headshot.

However, the team component is awesome. It really challenges the way you play and forces you to come up with team-based tactics. If i manage to get a team that works together, it becomes great fun (especially TSNE).
I mostly play TSNE and choke and scan people then steal their guns. Or I'll play TDM and just do nothing but counter snipe. Groznyj Grad is the best place for that, I hate MM and BB.
BB is awful :((just got raped) I don't know i like the game a lot but metal gear just seems broken for an online game a little.
personally i think the OLD metal gear camera would've been better for online multiplayer. it seems half the time i'm more worrying about the camera than actually playing
I've seriously never had an issue with the camera.

BB is ok when you're invisible and have the underground middle part trapped with mags. Steal one dood's gun and then you are set to kill anything that pops in.
i think my issues with the game have been solved. i played nearly 10 hours yesterday and got more used to the game. i throughly enjoy it nao :D
and i applied to the clan as well
Trigun said:
i think my issues with the game have been solved. i played nearly 10 hours yesterday and got more used to the game. i throughly enjoy it nao :D
and i applied to the clan as well

So what weekday times are you usually free to play?
Trigun said:
i think my issues with the game have been solved. i played nearly 10 hours yesterday and got more used to the game. i throughly enjoy it nao :D
and i applied to the clan as well

True, I am probably whining a bit :P.

The team-component of MGO is spectacular. It truly forces you to function as a team, and provides the means to do so. Anyone that has MGS4 should definatley check MGO out.
z357x said:

So what weekday times are you usually free to play?
i get home from school at 3:20 PST. and usually will be able to play anywhere from 4-11
Zero. said:
True, I am probably whining a bit :P.

The team-component of MGO is spectacular. It truly forces you to function as a team, and provides the means to do so. Anyone that has MGS4 should definatley check MGO out.
yesh, me too lol :D