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Bahamut countdown timer


I'm not dead

Count down ends on Monday. Anyone care to speculate on what it's going to be?

Kotaku have suggested a sequel to or remake of Bahamut Lagoon.

I dunno what the colossus type monster at the bottom is about though, all I know is it looks awesome.

that's pretty crazy. Can anyone place the music? It's sounds pretty old school. Which is probably why people are thinking Bahamut Lagoon
Some of it reminds me of Final Fantasy 7 music (the Avalanche invasion of the Shinra building), but most of it doesn't. Also the colossus type thing isn't final fantasy like at all. Unless that's just a representation that the announcement is going to be collosal.

The top part of the image reminds me of when Bahamut and Alexander collide in Final Fantasy IX but the thing down the bottom can no way be Alexander.

I used to really enjoy these countdowns because they used to always lead to HUGE announcements. But then the west got hold of them and they became nothingness. Let's hope Square have something big lined up.
Fucking hell I just had a thought. The thing down the bottom could be one of the "weapons" from FFVII. If this is the FFVII remake I've been waiting for ever since E3 '05 I'm gonna cry.
it screams too much fantasy for FF7 (haha silly)

If that's what Alexander looked liked people would have liked 9 more.
Nope this is definately Hitoshi Sakimoto or Noriko Matsueda music. But I'm almost Positive this is either a sequel to bahamut lagoon or a remake

but the bahamut design up at the top seems more modern ala FFX, FFVII AC
z357x said:
If that's what Alexander looked liked people would have liked 9 more.
I loved 9. Was the last great Final Fantasy IMO. Square never got it quite right on the PS2.

I knew Trigun would be a solid person to put their view on this. Was there a big thing like that in Bahamut Lagoon?
well the big connection i made was with the cover art, the dragon(or bahamut) is massive looking and also if you look at the icon for the website up in the address bar you can see a little sprite which looks like art from BL.
with the stuff Tsuyoshi sekito has been putting out lately the music could even be written by him.

on a side note(i still like the newer games square has been doing. i don't really dislike any particularly, although i'm not too campy with the rpgs that are new IP's that have been comming from japan lately. a lot of them aren't very good.)
Trigun said:
on a side note(i still like the newer games square has been doing. i don't really dislike any particularly, although i'm not too campy with the rpgs that are new IP's that have been comming from japan lately. a lot of them aren't very good.)
Some of the new ones haven't been too bad. Lost odyssey, Enchanted Arms and Eternal Sonata were all decent new IPs.

I do like newer RPGs still but my favourites are still the older ones.

edit: The page icon is called bob.ico if that is any clue.
those are good, i actually forgot to mention specifics. Like a lot of DS rpgs and rpgs that get brought over that aren't very good
Luminous arc-2
From the abyss
Suikoden tierkris
7th dragon
Ar tonelico
Zoids(tactical rpg)
Away shuffle dungeon
you know the cookie cutter rpgs.
as much as i love rpgs. It's been a little lacking lately in new Ip's. While existing ones are fine by me.

Bob.ico eh? doesn't give me a clue , My knowledge of Bahamut lagoon is bit lacking in some areas.
twelve said:
I loved 9. Was the last great Final Fantasy IMO. Square never got it quite right on the PS2.

I knew Trigun would be a solid person to put their view on this. Was there a big thing like that in Bahamut Lagoon?
I feel exactly the same way. I love 9 more than 7 as far as story and replayability goes. 7 had a better battle system though.
z357x said:
I feel exactly the same way. I love 9 more than 7 as far as story and replayability goes. 7 had a better battle system though.
an opinion is an opinion. All FF games are equal in my book. Favoritism=:tdown: