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Best AntiVirus and Why?

I used to get viruses all the time when we had Norton installed. But once i installed AVG I havnt had a virus for 5 years now
Yeah I had Norton a few years ago, it was diabolical, but apparently they've improved it since.

Heard that too... Supposedly the resources problem was fixed with the 360 version or something like that. But guess what. A few months ago i had to do some work on my grandfathers PC. He had norton installed and his pc ran really slow. I unstalled it and installed avg free. It sped his pc up ridiculously. Although I must say on Norton's part, somehow the auto updating of the definitions was turned off and it hadn't been updated in a month or so. But anyways, my experiences with Norton have been unpleasant.
So yeah last night I wasn't careful and got a virus which pretty much fucked over my comp. It made a little red X in the bottom corner of my taskbar popup as if it was an actual windows notification. It kept opening up a webpage trying to get me to download a 'Spyware Removal' exe, then it wasn't allowing me to do certain things, it changed my wallpaper to some fucked up colourful squares. When I restarted just to see what would happen, all of these 'OS failed to load' notifications littered my desktop.

Thankfully I was able to backup anything important (there was barely anything important on my desktop PC anyways) on my external HDD. Then I formatted.

Everything is back to the way it was now :)

I should probably grab some virus/spyware protection now, eh?
If you have the right ports forwarded from your modem, you WILL get a virus just by turning on your comp and leaving it at your desktop without doing anything, thanks to various exploits in Windows or whatever OS. That's why you need an AV.

After trying all kinds of AV, I've concluded that Kaspersky Internet Security is the best because its DIRT CHEAP where I live (450 rupees (10$ !!!!!) for 3 commercial licenses). It doesn't consume any CPU time and doesn't need to be disabled during heavy disk activity either.

As for free AVs, AVG 7 was good, but now its bloatware, crapware and spyware put together.
Im using the new avira antivir 9. It runs with almost no cpu usage, is fast, and highly customizable.
Well my dad prefers Norton, for why, I don't know.

It picks up most threats, and viruses, but it doesn't pick up everything. We just upgraded to Norton 360, its pretty good, it covers everything now. But still the anti-virus doesn't pick up everything, yesterday, I did Kasperskys online system scanner which is free, it picked up 3 infected files, not viruses on the system, just files that if I ran, would give me a virus. It got rid of them.
Did you? That's fascinating because what I said was in response to EndUnknown not you.

I assume its understood that I wasn't talking about one of those crappy AVs that consume 99% CPU with Idle priority. Hence the only other time it would consume CPU was when it was scanning stuff when you opened things - And Kaspersky doesn't hog CPU and lag during this.
I assume its understood that I wasn't talking about one of those crappy AVs that consume 99% CPU with Idle priority. Hence the only other time it would consume CPU was when it was scanning stuff when you opened things - And Kaspersky doesn't hog CPU and lag during this.
I don't understand what you're getting all defensive about. I wasn't talking to you and I wasn't talking about kaspersky. Unless EndUnknown is a dupe account of yours then what I said wasn't of any concern to you.
Most AV run with almost no CPU usage when they're idle, it's memory that they hog. You'll only get a true idea of the CPU usage when you run a scan.

true. granted, usually the scan cpu usage isn't much of a factor for me, as i will load my full set (avira, spybot, adaware, malwarebytes, and superantispyware) and have it run overnight.
I don't understand what you're getting all defensive about. I wasn't talking to you and I wasn't talking about kaspersky. Unless EndUnknown is a dupe account of yours then what I said wasn't of any concern to you.

When I saw your first quote It looked like you had quoted part of my post since the words were similar. I just decided to elaborate on my views on Kaspersky to make things clearer.
My computers: NOD32
For dumb people computers that I work on and goes to wrong sites.: AVG Free Edition (with firefox addon included)