But I was committed after that birthday party...
Well, Acer's guide is getting a little dated, he asked me to update it for him but I just figured I'd make my own ^_^ Sorry, I'm not going to include the cheat info like Acer's does, because, well, quite honestly I don't dig cheating in games, therefore I'm not educated in information pertaining to such. As of the writing of this guide, which is taking place the early AM of April 25th, 2008, all the emulators should be at their most recent versions, unless otherwise noted.
This is a guide to (nearly, no guarantees) all emulators for the PSP. If there's more than one major emulator for a system, I'll name the one I find to be best. If you can't find what you're looking for here then you're probably not GOING to find it.:wink: Anyways, enough of this, onto the emulators!
General installation instructions: You should probably refer to the readme in each individual emulator, but the basic gist of it is this- Put the folder (or two, if exampleemu and exampleemu% exists) with the EBOOT into your GAME150 folder on phat PSPs or into the GAME folder on slim PSPs. Actual required folder may vary from emulator to emulator.
Nintendo Entertainment System

Emulator: NesterJ
Version: v1.20 beta2
Works: Perfect
Links: 1.5 Kernel | 2.0+ Kernel / Custom Firmware
Notes: There ARE a few unsupported mappers, but I think pretty much every NES emulator in existence has that problem... So there might be an obscure game or two that doesn't work.
Sega Master System

Emulator: WonderBoy
Version: v2.02
Works: Runs absolutely flawlessly, with an awesome GUI to boot!
Links: Both
Notes: It also emulates GG and GB/C.
Emulator: SMS Plus PSP
Version: v1.2.5
Works: Very well.
Links: Both
Notes: Runs fine, but nothing too impressive. Thank RJC for the PSP slim confirmation!
Super Nintendo Entertainment System

Emulator: Snes9xTYL
Version: v0.4.2me
Works: Nearly flawlessly (Starfox, Super Mario RPG, and a select few others don't run full speed)
Links: 1.5 Kernel | 2.0+ Kernel / Custom Firmware
Notes: As stated before, some games don't run at full speed. Some take a frameskip or so to run perfect.
Sega Genesis/Megadrive and SegaCD/MegaCD

Emulator: Picodrive
Version: v1.51
Works: Perfect (only "Virtua" games run extremely slow/choppy)
Links: Both
Notes: None really. Solid emulator. Hint: You can .CSO your SegaCD games:wink:
Sega Saturn

Emulator: Yabause
Version: v0.9.1test
Works: Accurately, but SLOW AS DIRT.
Links: Phat only
Notes: Not really worth trying to play, but it bears mention anyway. x3 tested on PSP slim, thanks go out to him!

Emulator: Popstation
Version: Whatever version your firmware is.
Works: Pretty much perfectly.
Links: PSX2PSP v1.3
Notes: It's built into your PSP's firmware natively, nothing to install, the link is to the conversion software. Instructions should be in the included readme... And if that's not good enough, there's always Krelian's guide HERE.
Nintendo 64

Emulator: Daedalus
Version: X64 Beta 1
Works: Fairly terribly. A couple games run full speed with sound disabled, but other then that the emulator is fairly unstable. Impressive nonetheless, but still.
Links: Both
Notes: Almost not worth trying, if not to admire the work of the author. Again, thank RJC for the info on the slim!
Neo Geo

Emulator: MVSPSP
Version: 2.3.1
Works: Absolutely amazingly.
Links: Phat | Slim
Notes: Don't forget to read the readme for special notes on this emulator, such as the crom decryption 'n' such, although I don't think you have to do this for PSP slim units.
Neo Geo CD

Emulator: NCDZPSP
Version: 2.3.1
Works: Haven't tested.
Links: Both
Notes: None.
TurboGrafx/PC Engine

Emulator: e[mulator]
Version: v0.82f
Works: Fairly perfect with Turbo Grafix games.
Links: Both
Notes: Also emulates SMS, GG, WS and NGPC, although NGPC and WS not well. Thanks go out to x3 for the PSP slim info!
Game Boy/Color

Emulator: WonderBoy
Version: v2.02
Works: Runs absolutely flawlessly, with an awesome GUI to boot!
Links: Both
Notes: It also emulates SMS and GG, and has the ability to completely color monochrome GB games! Read the readme for more info!
Emulator: Homer's RIN
Version: v3.3
Works: Pretty much perfect, except entering the menu during emulation cuts out sound... Terrible glitch.
Links: Both
Notes: Not really anything super-noteworthy. Great emulator aside from the glitch. Thanks to x3 for the PSP slim support information!
Game Gear

Emulator: WonderBoy
Version: v2.02
Works: Runs absolutely flawlessly, with an awesome GUI to boot!
Links: Both
Notes: It also emulates SMS and GB/C.
Emulator: SMS Plus PSP
Version: v1.2.4
Works: Runs good.
Links: Both
Notes: Good emulator, nothing wrong with it, but I prefer WonderBoy. Thank RJC for the PSP slim confirmation!
Game Boy Advance

Emulator: gpSP
Version: 0.9
Works: Fairly beautifully, some speed hiccups on certain games, but altogether it runs spectacularly.
Links: 1.5 Kernel | 2.0+ Kernel / Custom Firmware
Notes: Works good. Don't forget it requires the gba_bios.bin file to run.
Neo Geo Pocket/Color

Emulator: RacePSP
Version: Initial release
Works: Beautifully save for the occasional, yet rare, glitch.
Links: Both
Notes: Works awesome. Definitely worth checking out, very impressive little system.
Atari Lynx

Emulator: Handy
Version: 0.95.1
Works: Haven't tested.
Links: Phat only
Notes: It could be perfect, it could be terrible. I have no idea. x3 tested- PSP slim unapproved!

Emulator: e[mulator]
Version: v0.82f
Works: Not too well, slow, occasionally glitchy.
Links: Both
Notes: Also emulates SMS, GG, TG, and NGPC, NGPC about as well as WS. Thank x3 for the PSP slim confirmation!

Emulator: CPS1PSP
Version: 2.2.5
Works: Flawlessly.
Links: Phat | Slim
Notes: I think on some of the bigger games you have to decrypt the vrom, but I'm not entirely sure.

Emulator: CPS2PSP
Version: 2.2.5
Works: Perfectly.
Links: Phat | Slim
Notes: Don't forget to read the readme for special notes on this emulator, such as the crom decryption 'n' such, although I think on PSP slim units this is unnecessary.
Neo Geo

Emulator: MVSPSP
Version: 2.2.5
Works: Absolutely amazingly.
Links: Phat | Slim
Notes: Don't forget to read the readme for special notes on this emulator, such as the crom decryption 'n' such, although I don't think you have to do this for PSP slim units.
MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator)

Emulator: MAME4ALL
Version: v4.9r2 Hires
Works: Haven't personally tested this one, I get all my arcade needs dealt with by the three previous emulators.
Links: Both
Notes: Use the normal for phat PSPs, use the usermode version for slim PSPs. Thanks to x3sphere for the information!:thumbup1:

Emulator: PSPUAE
Version: v0.7.1
Works: Fairly well, although I could never figure out how to fix the fact that part of the right side of the screen was cut off...
Links: Both
Notes: Don't forget the kickROMs.

Emulator: PSPKVM
Version: v0.3.2
Works: Pretty good. Tested Might and Magic 2, ran fairly smooth.
Links: Phat | Slim
Notes: Pretty nifty emulator. I can see a lot of possibilities with it.
ZX-81's Emulators
PSPCAP32 (Amstrad CPC)
PSP2600 (Atari 2600)
PSPAtari (Atari 800/130/5200)
PSP7800 (Atari 7800)
PSPColem (ColecoVision)
PSPYape (Commodore Plus/4)
PSPX48 (HP48 Calculator)
PSPInt (Intellivision)
This is a guide to (nearly, no guarantees) all emulators for the PSP. If there's more than one major emulator for a system, I'll name the one I find to be best. If you can't find what you're looking for here then you're probably not GOING to find it.:wink: Anyways, enough of this, onto the emulators!
General installation instructions: You should probably refer to the readme in each individual emulator, but the basic gist of it is this- Put the folder (or two, if exampleemu and exampleemu% exists) with the EBOOT into your GAME150 folder on phat PSPs or into the GAME folder on slim PSPs. Actual required folder may vary from emulator to emulator.
Nintendo Entertainment System

Emulator: NesterJ
Version: v1.20 beta2
Works: Perfect
Links: 1.5 Kernel | 2.0+ Kernel / Custom Firmware
Notes: There ARE a few unsupported mappers, but I think pretty much every NES emulator in existence has that problem... So there might be an obscure game or two that doesn't work.
Sega Master System

Emulator: WonderBoy
Version: v2.02
Works: Runs absolutely flawlessly, with an awesome GUI to boot!
Links: Both
Notes: It also emulates GG and GB/C.
Emulator: SMS Plus PSP
Version: v1.2.5
Works: Very well.
Links: Both
Notes: Runs fine, but nothing too impressive. Thank RJC for the PSP slim confirmation!
Super Nintendo Entertainment System

Emulator: Snes9xTYL
Version: v0.4.2me
Works: Nearly flawlessly (Starfox, Super Mario RPG, and a select few others don't run full speed)
Links: 1.5 Kernel | 2.0+ Kernel / Custom Firmware
Notes: As stated before, some games don't run at full speed. Some take a frameskip or so to run perfect.
Sega Genesis/Megadrive and SegaCD/MegaCD

Emulator: Picodrive
Version: v1.51
Works: Perfect (only "Virtua" games run extremely slow/choppy)
Links: Both
Notes: None really. Solid emulator. Hint: You can .CSO your SegaCD games:wink:
Sega Saturn

Emulator: Yabause
Version: v0.9.1test
Works: Accurately, but SLOW AS DIRT.
Links: Phat only
Notes: Not really worth trying to play, but it bears mention anyway. x3 tested on PSP slim, thanks go out to him!

Emulator: Popstation
Version: Whatever version your firmware is.
Works: Pretty much perfectly.
Links: PSX2PSP v1.3
Notes: It's built into your PSP's firmware natively, nothing to install, the link is to the conversion software. Instructions should be in the included readme... And if that's not good enough, there's always Krelian's guide HERE.
Nintendo 64

Emulator: Daedalus
Version: X64 Beta 1
Works: Fairly terribly. A couple games run full speed with sound disabled, but other then that the emulator is fairly unstable. Impressive nonetheless, but still.
Links: Both
Notes: Almost not worth trying, if not to admire the work of the author. Again, thank RJC for the info on the slim!
Neo Geo

Emulator: MVSPSP
Version: 2.3.1
Works: Absolutely amazingly.
Links: Phat | Slim
Notes: Don't forget to read the readme for special notes on this emulator, such as the crom decryption 'n' such, although I don't think you have to do this for PSP slim units.
Neo Geo CD

Emulator: NCDZPSP
Version: 2.3.1
Works: Haven't tested.
Links: Both
Notes: None.
TurboGrafx/PC Engine

Emulator: e[mulator]
Version: v0.82f
Works: Fairly perfect with Turbo Grafix games.
Links: Both
Notes: Also emulates SMS, GG, WS and NGPC, although NGPC and WS not well. Thanks go out to x3 for the PSP slim info!
Game Boy/Color

Emulator: WonderBoy
Version: v2.02
Works: Runs absolutely flawlessly, with an awesome GUI to boot!
Links: Both
Notes: It also emulates SMS and GG, and has the ability to completely color monochrome GB games! Read the readme for more info!
Emulator: Homer's RIN
Version: v3.3
Works: Pretty much perfect, except entering the menu during emulation cuts out sound... Terrible glitch.
Links: Both
Notes: Not really anything super-noteworthy. Great emulator aside from the glitch. Thanks to x3 for the PSP slim support information!
Game Gear

Emulator: WonderBoy
Version: v2.02
Works: Runs absolutely flawlessly, with an awesome GUI to boot!
Links: Both
Notes: It also emulates SMS and GB/C.
Emulator: SMS Plus PSP
Version: v1.2.4
Works: Runs good.
Links: Both
Notes: Good emulator, nothing wrong with it, but I prefer WonderBoy. Thank RJC for the PSP slim confirmation!
Game Boy Advance

Emulator: gpSP
Version: 0.9
Works: Fairly beautifully, some speed hiccups on certain games, but altogether it runs spectacularly.
Links: 1.5 Kernel | 2.0+ Kernel / Custom Firmware
Notes: Works good. Don't forget it requires the gba_bios.bin file to run.
Neo Geo Pocket/Color

Emulator: RacePSP
Version: Initial release
Works: Beautifully save for the occasional, yet rare, glitch.
Links: Both
Notes: Works awesome. Definitely worth checking out, very impressive little system.
Atari Lynx

Emulator: Handy
Version: 0.95.1
Works: Haven't tested.
Links: Phat only
Notes: It could be perfect, it could be terrible. I have no idea. x3 tested- PSP slim unapproved!

Emulator: e[mulator]
Version: v0.82f
Works: Not too well, slow, occasionally glitchy.
Links: Both
Notes: Also emulates SMS, GG, TG, and NGPC, NGPC about as well as WS. Thank x3 for the PSP slim confirmation!

Emulator: CPS1PSP
Version: 2.2.5
Works: Flawlessly.
Links: Phat | Slim
Notes: I think on some of the bigger games you have to decrypt the vrom, but I'm not entirely sure.

Emulator: CPS2PSP
Version: 2.2.5
Works: Perfectly.
Links: Phat | Slim
Notes: Don't forget to read the readme for special notes on this emulator, such as the crom decryption 'n' such, although I think on PSP slim units this is unnecessary.
Neo Geo

Emulator: MVSPSP
Version: 2.2.5
Works: Absolutely amazingly.
Links: Phat | Slim
Notes: Don't forget to read the readme for special notes on this emulator, such as the crom decryption 'n' such, although I don't think you have to do this for PSP slim units.
MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator)

Emulator: MAME4ALL
Version: v4.9r2 Hires
Works: Haven't personally tested this one, I get all my arcade needs dealt with by the three previous emulators.
Links: Both
Notes: Use the normal for phat PSPs, use the usermode version for slim PSPs. Thanks to x3sphere for the information!:thumbup1:

Emulator: PSPUAE
Version: v0.7.1
Works: Fairly well, although I could never figure out how to fix the fact that part of the right side of the screen was cut off...
Links: Both
Notes: Don't forget the kickROMs.

Emulator: PSPKVM
Version: v0.3.2
Works: Pretty good. Tested Might and Magic 2, ran fairly smooth.
Links: Phat | Slim
Notes: Pretty nifty emulator. I can see a lot of possibilities with it.
ZX-81's Emulators
PSPCAP32 (Amstrad CPC)
PSP2600 (Atari 2600)
PSPAtari (Atari 800/130/5200)
PSP7800 (Atari 7800)
PSPColem (ColecoVision)
PSPYape (Commodore Plus/4)
PSPX48 (HP48 Calculator)
PSPInt (Intellivision)