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Conficker worm: D-day April 1st


Logic :(
The only reason it does not sound like an April Fools joke is because this is being posted in March! :bored:

Not to mention that there are 2 previous versions in existence.

I've read that this virus will know the date regardless of your system clock.


Lavate las manooos!!
If you're up to date with Windows Update, you're OK.

However, how many people ACTUALLY keep Windows Update updated?


New Member
It's an early April Fools Day Joke :p I believe so. I wouldn't be worried.

Though, if I disappear for a while, my computer died :(


New Member
Some rumors are going around that it's Microsoft.


New Member
...you guys are serious? Wow. The Conficker worm has been going around for more than just a month, and they didn't come out saying "HEY SOMETHING BAD IS GOING TO HAPPEN ON APRIL 1ST"...people have been reverse engineering the worm. You know, something real that infects Windows computers through an old exploit (that has been patched, but most people don't have the patch). Also known as the Downadup worm, this whole thing has security companies on edge, because they haven't been able to figure out just what it's going to do come April 1st. There are ways to sanitize your computer from the worm (at least for the B and B++ variants, I'm not sure about the C variant), but this is real. It's not some hoax. Just because you don't want to believe it's true doesn't make it a hoax.


New Member
Ya, its been out for a few months. Sophos offers a free clean up.


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
If you're up to date with Windows Update, you're OK.

However, how many people ACTUALLY keep Windows Update updated?

I do... in fact I have Windows Update set to auto, like most people should, so I don't have to worry about it.


Active Member
Same here. It may get annoying every other Tuesday to have the computer take forever to boot up due to an update, but it's worth it to protect against things like this.


New Member
Same here. It may get annoying every other Tuesday to have the computer take forever to boot up due to an update, but it's worth it to protect against things like this.

Precisely what i say to customers who moan it gets slow booting up once a week on any build i sell. Its worth it when it keeps you secured.

Edit -

I think I'll be leaving all PC's off and the router unplugged like Tuesday through till Thursday. Gives me a chance to dust em all and run through scans etc which take days an a TB worth of data. Till then to get my internet kicks i shall use college. I don't mind if they get Viruses to be honest. And it can mean I'd get to find out what does happen. :)


My college has already been fucked over by viruses at the moment. Should be entertaining if the worm runs riot on the unupdated system :p


New Member
everyone is thinking about microsoft having done this.


everyone is thinking about microsoft having done this.
Now, i am pretty sure that would be *very* illegal for them to do, and i am pretty sure they have already gotten away with a good deal of stuff.

Set your computer's date to April 1st now to test.
That won't work. I am pretty sure that we would know what it is going to do if that were possible. I think that it uses the internet time or a server time that it communicates with to know the date. but that is just what i think...


Staff Member
everyone should set their clocks to april 1st then
like EVERYONE in the world


Your resident psycho hobo
Set your computer's date to April 1st now to test.

i doubt it is systime, but more of a 'april 1st is when the guy controlling the botnet will start using it for ddos or w/e'