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Dark_AleX Releases 3.71 M33-2, 1.50 Kernel Add-on v2


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

Dark_AleX has released 3.71 M33-2, an important update for all 3.71 M33 users that includes various bug fixes and adds the functionality of Noobz's recent USB charger plugin for PSP Slim units.

Additionally, version 2 of the 1.50 kernel patch has been released, fixing a minor sleep mode bug. The install process for both updates is the same, simply copy the UPDATE folder to the GAME folder on your memory stick and then run the respective update from the PSP.

3.71 M33-2 Changes:

- There was a bug that caused corruption when writing files of more than 32256 bytes using usb flash.
The bug has been corrected, and now the implementation is as reliable as it was when it was based on 1.50 kernel.
(tested with a full restoration of a dump)

- PSP Slim: a functionality to let the charge of battery when connecting a usb cable has been added.
This feature is based on Noobz plugin code.
By default is not enabled, you can enable it in recovery.
Note that the charge of battery may be delayed some seconds since the moment you plug the cable.

- After installing this update, program at /PSP/GAME/UPDATE will always be executed on 3.71 kernel, despite configuration.

- VSHMenu: vshmenu will not be executed when onscreen keyboard is active, to avoid the lost of
the select button function in the keyboard.
An option to reset the psp has been added.

- VSH plugins are not longer executed anymore in recovery mode, that was the cause of pseudo-bricks.

Note about two bugs remaining:

The WLAN network error, and the PSP Slim psx game change of brightness.
These two bugs are copyright of Sony :) happens too in OFW.

The WLAN network happens when there is no network available, so not a big problem.

1.50 Kernel Patch v2 Changes:

- When returning from sleep mode, 3.71 ipl was executed causing an immediate crash. Fixed.

Download 3.71 M33-2 Update / 1.50 Kernel Patch Version 2
The update works on both, regular PSPs just don't get the USB charge feature.
"Note about two bugs remaining:

The WLAN network error, and the PSP Slim psx game change of brightness.
These two bugs are copyright of Sony :) happens too in OFW.

The WLAN network happens when there is no network available, so not a big problem."

...OH! So THATS why it gave me an error when trying to search for new wifi locations... Only way around it was to pull the memory stick, and then search.. Kind of glad I downgraded back to 3.52M33.

Also, I am a little uneasy with the system being patched so that data executed from PSP/GAME/UPDATE will always be 3.71M33, as it circumvents current methods of downgradeing to 1.50 via 3.71M33 XMB. I'd personally like to know why that was done...
Also, I am a little uneasy with the system being patched so that data executed from PSP/GAME/UPDATE will always be 3.71M33, as it circumvents current methods of downgradeing to 1.50 via 3.71M33 XMB. I'd personally like to know why that was done...

Probably because you can't go to 1.50 on a Slim, so the recovery on a Slim would have to be either 3.60M33 (which can't be done on a Phat AFAIK) so the only global option thus far is 3.71M33.:) Keeping everything consistent.
Only one update must be applied to the regular PSPs? Is it the 3.71 M33-2 Update or the 1.50 Kernel Patch Version 2?
Only one update must be applied to the regular PSPs? Is it the 3.71 M33-2 Update or the 1.50 Kernel Patch Version 2?

The 1.50 kernel patch is not required, it is optional and allows regular PSP users to run 1.50 kernel homebrew on 3.71 M33. However it is strongly recommended that you install the 3.71 M33-2 update.
Must I install 1.50 Kernel before installing add-on 2 to apply all function? thanks

@dmhchew: nope, just install version 2.
im on 3.71 m33 and just updated with first add on kernel...how im going to this "If you have 1.50 addon, make sure you have the kernel of game folder configured to 3.71, or the
program will not even start." please help
In recovery mode (hold R during boot to enter), there is an option to set the GAME folder homebrew. By default it should already be 3.71, but if you changed it, then switch it back to 3.71.
i was to update to 3.71 m33-2, before i th update my kernel was on 3.71. now when im trying to update to 2nd add on of kernel 1.50 i go tthis message "incorrect or inexistent 150.PBP at the root" i put the program t program to /PSP/GAME/UPDATE
Is the usb charge a hardware or software based? If the latter then is it possible? Thanks Dax.
I was kinda hoping for fixes for some prx's, naming popsloader. Patience...
i cant load any hombrew games with this 3.52m33-4 it just loads the umd i have in my psp and with out a umd an error pops up. i tried 2 update 2 version 3.71m33 but it says i need fimware 3.52m33-3 or higher and i currently have 3.52m33-4 can some1 help
srry forgot 2 add, wat does it mean in the 3.71m33-2 instructions were it says
"If you are in the fat psp, make sure you have configured the psp to run the game folder in the 3.XX kernel"