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Daylight saving time is useless and annoying.


is Over 9000
z357x said:
fine, hyper sensitive. Happy?

So, you can see really well in the dark? No, I'm not happy. I'm jealous. :tdown:


Freshmilk said:
So, you can see really well in the dark? No, I'm not happy. I'm jealous. :tdown:
Yes, I can see really well in the dark. But on a sunny day I'm pretty much blinded. I can't look at the sky on a sunny day at all (even a slightly overcast day is still bright as hell for me). It's actually kinda fun to do that cause my eyes try to force themselves shut and I start crying.


Like a Boss
This thread is epic fail. DST is what makes days longer. xD


Gutya said:
You can't look directly at the sun? What are you, some kind of freak?
I didn't say I look at the sun. I said I can't even look at the sky on a sunny day. Like even the opposite direction of the sun. I have to stare at the ground and even then the reflection of the sun can be too bright.

Freshmilk said:
Define 'Fun'...


Freshmilk said:
Thats not how I'd have put it.

"F is for friends that do stuff together, U is for you and Me, N is for anytime and anywhere at all..."

Lol spongebob.
And DST sucks because when school has finished its dark and you are more likely to get raped...in the dark.


New Member
I have light sensativity too, it's called Photophobia.

(foh-toh-FOH-bee-uh): Abnormal sensitivity to, and discomfort from, light. May be associated with excessive tearing. Often due to inflammation of the iris or cornea.

In my case, it was due to an ulcer on the cornea in my left eye, which then lead to Atopic Keratoconjuntivitis.

The symptoms of AKC are initially very similar to those of allergic conjunctivitis, although much more severe and include more sensitivity to light, blurred vision and a thick, stringy discharge. People with AKC frequently have atopic dermatitis that involves the eyelids and skin around the eyes and face. The inner lining of the eyelids, or conjunctiva, are red and swollen, and may have thickened bumps called papillae. These are most frequently found under the lower lid in AKC.

So I too like the winter months...


Nero said:
Lol spongebob.
And DST sucks because when school has finished its dark and you are more likely to get raped...in the dark.
I hope you are just being annoying... How many times do we need to tell everyone that DST is in effect during the summer... WHEN IT'S WINTER IT IS THE NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS! That's when it actually gets dark and the days are actually shorter in the winter than the summer...

That is what the solstice is for, the shortest and longest days of the year. The Equinox is the days which are equal. 12 hours light, 12 hours dark.

Jesus fucking ballz!


New Member
I love DST. Usually I wait until the monday after the clocks are set back 1 hour. Then when I have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning I just hit the hour button once and go back to sleep.


z357x said:
I hope you are just being annoying... How many times do we need to tell everyone that DST is in effect during the summer... WHEN IT'S WINTER IT IS THE NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS! That's when it actually gets dark and the days are actually shorter in the winter than the summer...

That is what the solstice is for, the shortest and longest days of the year. The Equinox is the days which are equal. 12 hours light, 12 hours dark.

Jesus fucking ballz!

Ok chill lol.


Meta Moose
Freshmilk said:
Thats not how I'd have put it.

"F is for friends that do stuff together, U is for you and Me, N is for anytime and anywhere at all..."
"F is for fire that burns down the whole town, U is for uranium... BOMBS, N is for no survivors..."