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DC's Tool Proof of Concept


We need to figure out how people are getting online already! :P
Do we reckon there'll be a way to bypass the patch soon? Or should I just update?
I stole this IRC log from another forum
Read Mathieulh's posts

[11:19:23] <KarlBarl> Hi, can the devs who are online with PSN and 3.41 release that groove port cuz that guy who made FTP posted pics of him signed into PSN with FTP, Snes emulator etc
[11:20:25] <igbeserk> huh?
[11:20:29] <igbeserk> what are you asking
[11:20:36] <chieftexx> KarlBarl: he wasnt online actually
[11:20:39] <igbeserk> fo them to release a groove port so you can be online with 3.41?
[11:21:21] <igbeserk> even though psgroove can't affect the online. well maybe the fw update blocks. and temporarily loading new fw through the usb loader
[11:21:34] <KarlBarl> looks online to me: http://i54.tinypic.com/23vn8kz.jpg
[11:21:57] <+[Randall]> how?
[11:22:05] <igbeserk> definitely doesn't look online
[11:22:13] <igbeserk> i'm at 3.41 i still get updates on what's psn
[11:22:19] <igbeserk> i just can't log in and see my buddy list
[11:22:20] <+[Randall]> yeah, you can get advertising
[11:22:22] <KarlBarl> <+Mathieulh> I could even patch the psn version check if I cared <+Mathieulh> neither of this is hard by any mean
[11:22:37] <+[Randall]> you dont' have to be online for them to advertise at you.... you just can't buy the ****
[11:22:38] <igbeserk> then go bug him about it
[11:22:40] <KarlBarl> the devs obviously have patched it
[11:22:48] <KarlBarl> for themselves :(
[11:22:48] <igbeserk> well this isn't a dev channel
[11:22:51] <expiation> igbeserk you can see his friend count = online
[11:23:04] <igbeserk> i guess
[11:23:11] <KarlBarl> igbeserk, look at picture he has friends list numbered
[11:23:16] <KarlBarl> he's online
[11:23:51] <igbeserk> alright then he's just holding it all to himself
[11:23:56] <KarlBarl> <+Mathieulh> if people didn't abuse we'd already have released a psgroove with a psn patch
[11:24:01] <expiation> but if its so easy to do as math says why doesn't he release it so we can enjoy online
[11:24:03] <KarlBarl> ta duhhhhhh
[11:24:17] <igbeserk> he says what he says
[11:24:32] <KarlBarl> <+Mathieulh> too many people would cheat and ruin online gaming
[11:24:35] <KarlBarl> but 360 already has this
[11:24:38] <KarlBarl> so it wouldn't be much different
[11:24:45] <+[Randall]> :yawn:
[11:24:45] <KarlBarl> people mod the 360 hard-drive for online gaming
[11:24:46] <igbeserk> how does 360 already have it?
[11:24:49] <igbeserk> yea
[11:24:53] <igbeserk> but they can't cheat that way
[11:24:54] <Fandango> cheat how?
[11:24:58] <igbeserk> that's not what he meant
[11:24:59] <KarlBarl> and you ahve those call of duty rank rooms
[11:25:04] <igbeserk> yea but that's cod
[11:25:06] <expiation> not to mention every computer game, who the heck cares, you just report people cheating and let psn back their accounts its not like sony wouldn't step up and do that
[11:25:12] <igbeserk> one dumbass game where people exploit it to ****
[11:25:14] <KarlBarl> left 4 dead 2 even with non jtagged you can mod the hard-drive and have low gravity and mods
[11:25:26] <KarlBarl> any game can be modded on 360, theres forums dedicated to it
[11:25:33] <KarlBarl> you dont need jtag either
[11:25:35] <igbeserk> regardless of your evidence on another console
[11:25:39] <expiation> sony would totally investigate cheating reports and ban accounts so his reasoning is stupid
[11:25:40] <igbeserk> they do as they please
[11:25:51] <igbeserk> but it is his reasoning and it's not stupid
[11:25:56] <igbeserk> people find ways.
[11:26:03] <+[Randall]> if it is so important, start helping
[11:26:05] <igbeserk> don't make it sound so easy because you don't know
[11:26:08] <KarlBarl> psgroove didn't come with backup manager, people had to patch it in
[11:26:16] <KarlBarl> so i'm sure there are people who patched the online for themselves arleady
[11:26:18] <igbeserk> yea but psjailbreak did
[11:26:19] <KarlBarl> but not made it public
[11:26:28] <igbeserk> and psgroove was released after psjb
[11:27:16] <+Mathieulh> psgroove needed 4 ASCII strings to be patched for backups
[11:27:31] <+Mathieulh> any noob can do the patch
[11:27:37] <+Mathieulh> getting psn online is harder
[11:27:49] <+Mathieulh> and yes people would abuse it

[11:27:57] <KarlBarl> hi, but some are obviously doing it just not making it public?
[11:28:01] <expiation> it is stupid because sony already has people dedicated to looking into cheating reports they even added a feature in 3.5 to report it more easily and people will still cheat even without jb
[11:28:06] <+Mathieulh> you can already see how xboxlive became trash soon after people got jtags
[11:28:12] <igbeserk> well if they can do it let them do it
[11:28:22] <igbeserk> if you can't either learn or don't bother.
[11:28:31] <+Mathieulh> the only thing that saved it was the fact that MS has proper anti xbox mods detection code
[11:28:33] <+Mathieulh> sony doesn't
[11:28:59] <+Mathieulh> so they can't really detect if your box is modded or not, at least not easily

[11:29:05] <expiation> i bet ms relies on the code instead of investigating every report, sony does investigate all reports
[11:29:06] <RoguishRa> i downloaded 3.50 today
[11:29:08] <igbeserk> like i said you guys make it sound so easy. sony has anti cheating things in place. that doesn't mean they can't slip through the cracks
[11:29:09] <+Mathieulh> and not if you don't run the lame BM id
[11:29:22] <RoguishRa> i really dont see the point of instally 3D functionality right now
[11:29:39] <+Mathieulh> igbeserk trust me I could run a game called "**** sony" and they wouldn't freaking notice
[11:29:40] <RoguishRa> i mean... how many people actually have one of those 3D tvs
[11:29:42] <+Mathieulh> it's THAT lame
[11:29:49] <igbeserk> yea i hear ya
[11:29:51] <RoguishRa> they're like 5k a pop
[11:30:06] <+Mathieulh> so yeah if sony wants hacked boxes out of the psn
[11:30:08] <+Mathieulh> so be it
[11:30:13] <+Mathieulh> if someone figures what to patch

[11:30:14] <igbeserk> i'm saying to them that it's not as easy as they think in terms of sony detecting cheaters who modifycertain files but you just said its super easy
[11:30:16] <+Mathieulh> that's their problem
[11:30:32] <+Mathieulh> it is
[11:30:40] <+Mathieulh> the "hard" part is to get on the psn

[11:30:46] <igbeserk> lol
[11:30:55] <igbeserk> true
[11:31:09] <+Mathieulh> they sure can ban your box if they detect anything
[11:31:19] <+Mathieulh> but problem is they don't have any detection routines on
[11:31:26] <+Mathieulh> they can't even remotely execute code at signup
[11:31:32] <+Mathieulh> like MS does on xbox
[11:31:43] <+Mathieulh> of course they could implement that in some firmware update

[11:31:55] <igbeserk> yea
[11:31:59] <+Mathieulh> it's however trivial for games to detect if they run as a backup on a hacked console
[11:32:02] <expiation> they have people paid to investigate reports though and if a mod sees somebody cheating or gets enough reports that account or console is gonna get banned fast
[11:32:06] <+Mathieulh> all they have to do is to use syscall 36
[11:32:14] <+Mathieulh> if it returns anything proper
[11:32:15] <+Mathieulh> then the box is hacked

[11:32:50] <Fandango> Mathieulh so you are on psn with psgroove?
[11:32:52] <+Mathieulh> why didn't they change the psn auth certs is a question beyound my understanding xD
[11:33:13] <+Mathieulh> Fandango maybe, maybe not
[11:33:34] <+Mathieulh> i avoid using my retail online when it's hacked though

[11:33:55] <chieftexx> but how do you go online on a retail if its hacked
[11:33:56] <+Mathieulh> in fact I barely use my retail box at all
[11:33:59] <igbeserk> hacked or psn, hacked or live. seems to be the options we're given
[11:34:13] <+Mathieulh> chieftexx you patch the psn version checks
[11:34:23] <+Mathieulh> and then you can log on just fine

[11:34:38] <chieftexx> so you're saying you can go online with 3.41 fw
[11:34:39] <KarlBarl> sony should thank you, more people are buying 2nd ps3s...worekd for 360
[11:34:51] <+Mathieulh> lol
[11:35:06] <+Mathieulh> chieftexx in theory yes but I am certainly not helping you with that

[11:35:11] <chieftexx> i love that logic - sony should thank you, now people will buy second consoles and not buy any games!
[11:35:14] <igbeserk> but isn't the money in the games really? and not the hardware?
[11:35:27] <Shrek> in future, everyone will have 2 consoles, one for network one for hacks
[11:35:31] <igbeserk> sony makes a profit on every game sold correct?
[11:35:36] <+Mathieulh> chieftexx people will buy games eventually if they want to play online with them xD
[11:35:37] <chieftexx> Mathieulh: i dont want help, but you are saying thats what you do right?
[11:35:50] <lkk> shrek.. or be like me and have 4.. 2 of each :d
[11:35:56] <Shrek> lol
[11:36:02] <lkk> my parents never taught me the value of money
[11:36:06] <igbeserk> sad
[11:36:07] <+Mathieulh> what I do is to use my debug box and go online with it, it's even easier, no patching required
[11:36:11] <chieftexx> come on please dont try to convince me that this jailbreak is good for sonys profits
[11:36:14] <igbeserk> but if you got money to burn then have fun
[11:36:24] <Shrek> money is over-rated lkk
[11:36:32] <lkk> yeah im thinking the same
[11:36:52] <+Mathieulh> like I said, I am not preventing anyone from finding the values to patch and patch them xD
[11:36:56] <+Mathieulh> you even have peek and poke

Personally I agree with Mathieulh here. If a patch for psgroove became available for online, everything that made the PSP online horrible will happen to PS3. There's already hacks for trophies and mods for games, and that will no doubt get abused if allowed online.

To those smart enough to patch PSFreedom to go online, good for you, keep it to yourself and don't spread it around and don't abuse it yourself.
I stole this IRC log from another forum
Read Mathieulh's posts

Personally I agree with Mathieulh here. If a patch for psgroove became available for online, everything that made the PSP online horrible will happen to PS3. There's already hacks for trophies and mods for games, and that will no doubt get abused if allowed online.

To those smart enough to patch PSFreedom to go online, good for you, keep it to yourself and don't spread it around and don't abuse it yourself.

Mathieulh is right, people who hack online with this stuff are really gay.

I however just want it so I can run games off HDD... I wouldn't mod games at all.

Looks like I might just end up updating :/