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Deleting Xbox screenshots from your own profile?

If you've deleted them on Xbox Live they should be removed here automatically, since we don't host the screenshots ourselves and they are served directly from Xbox. There might be some delay before it happens, however.

Can you send me a link to one of the deleted screenshots still showing up? (In Chrome, do right click -> Copy Image Address on the full image to get the Xbox URL). It shouldn't take very long for them to be fully removed, but I'll look into why it's still appearing.
Sorry for bumping this old thread, but this is somehow related. As Microsoft seems to have changed the whole screenshot / video upload System, including their API, I tried to find a way of deleting these years old screenshots from my Xbox profile. On my investigation, I stumbled upon this quote from the GamerDVR-website:

As of March 2021, Microsoft has made a change in the Xbox API which now marks every new screenshot as "unpublished". This means that we are not able to retrieve any new screenshots. They are only visible to the user that captured them, and only on the official Xbox App. The authentication system used for the newer Xbox Apps is also something we are not able to use, so we cannot even retrieve your screenshots even if you are logged in to Gamer DVR using your Xbox account.

As of now, I haven't found a way of deleting the source screenshots. When looking at the source-url of the screenshots on Exophase, they originate from an endpoint located at screenshotscontent-d5001.xboxlive.com, but I think there is no user-friendly interface to manage those media (anymore)? I tried the Xbox-Windows app (which had this feature) but they completely changed it compared to the last time I used it. I also didn't find a section on the xbox.com website. The xbox iOS app seems to only work with the new API.

So my questions are:
  • Has anyone insights on this and can shed some light on this matter?
  • Is there a way to disable the screenshot section on the Exophase profile?
  • (Or) is it possible for Exophase to use the new API from MS?
Sorry for bumping this old thread, but this is somehow related. As Microsoft seems to have changed the whole screenshot / video upload System, including their API, I tried to find a way of deleting these years old screenshots from my Xbox profile. On my investigation, I stumbled upon this quote from the GamerDVR-website:

As of now, I haven't found a way of deleting the source screenshots. When looking at the source-url of the screenshots on Exophase, they originate from an endpoint located at screenshotscontent-d5001.xboxlive.com, but I think there is no user-friendly interface to manage those media (anymore)? I tried the Xbox-Windows app (which had this feature) but they completely changed it compared to the last time I used it. I also didn't find a section on the xbox.com website. The xbox iOS app seems to only work with the new API.

So my questions are:
  • Has anyone insights on this and can shed some light on this matter?
  • Is there a way to disable the screenshot section on the Exophase profile?
  • (Or) is it possible for Exophase to use the new API from MS?
Will look into it. I'll try deleting the screenshots from your profile in a bit and see if a rescan picks them up again. If they have made all screenshots private by default then presumably a rescan should not pick up them again. As for disabling the screenshot section - not currently, but it'd be possible to add an option for it.