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Diablo 3


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
I'll write more in this thread in a bit, but one thing I can tell you for sure - I'm getting this game the second it comes out!
Wow, I was under the assumption that they had discontinued the Diablo series.

I loved the old games, so I'm with you on this one, Frozen.
Moose said:
Wow, I was under the assumption that they had discontinued the Diablo series.

I loved the old games, so I'm with you on this one, Frozen.

There has been rumors of Diablo 3 for quite some time, just nothing substantial. It would be hard for a company to be as successful as Blizzard was with Diablo I and II and not make a third one to please the fans. I think we all knew it was coming, just no one knew when (8 years is a long wait)
Moose said:
Wow, I was under the assumption that they had discontinued the Diablo series.

I loved the old games, so I'm with you on this one, Frozen.
It was announced over the summer and the internet exploded with excitement.

Never played any of the old ones, downloaded them a while ago and I wasn't feeling it. Think they're too old to attract a first time player now :/
Ciaran said:
It was announced over the summer and the internet exploded with excitement.

Never played any of the old ones, downloaded them a while ago and I wasn't feeling it. Think they're too old to attract a first time player now :/

Yeah, you really have to have played it back in 2000 (DII). The single player was good but multiplayer is where it at. Through multiplayer you get to the higher levels much easier (as the more people in the game the greater the experience factor was) and you could go on "magic finding" runs much easier to try to get that one item that everyone wanted ;)

I went back to play DII and it's very nostalgic, DI even more nostalgic ;)
Ciaran said:
It was announced over the summer and the internet exploded with excitement.

Never played any of the old ones, downloaded them a while ago and I wasn't feeling it. Think they're too old to attract a first time player now :/
I didn't hear about it... must of dodged me somehow.

This makes me want to play the old Diablo games. I might see if I can pick them up cheap/second-hand somewhere.
I've never played a Diablo game in my life. In fact the only Blizzard game I've ever played is WoW, which I loved until I got bored of walking and grinding.

Edit: actually I have briefly played Starcraft as well. Dunno if either of them compare.
twelve said:
I've never played a Diablo game in my life. In fact the only Blizzard game I've ever played is WoW, which I loved until I got bored of walking and grinding.

Edit: actually I have briefly played Starcraft as well. Dunno if either of them compare.
I'm in the same boat as you, I never saw the appeal to the Diablo games.
Pixel Princess said:
I'm in the same boat as you, I never saw the appeal to the Diablo games.

They just happen to be among the greatest Action RPGs of all time, that's all ;)
I haven't played Diablo before but this game looks awesome, will get around to playing it once Fallout and Left4Dead lose their appeal...
I have 1, as well as the helfire expansion for it. im considering 2 or 3.
I still play D2. I've never gone more than 4 months without playing it in the last 8 years.

Sadly I've never got a character over level 70something.

I always get distracted and make a new character or forget about one of the characters that had a good item on them and they get deleted.