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Element / Recipe List for Alchemy 2021 — Puzzle Game


Game page: https://www.exophase.com/game/alchemy-2021-puzzle-game-android/achievements/#1264960

There are achievements for logging in for multiple days (not sure if they need to be in a row) and for making failed attempts, so following this list won't get you all the achievements immediately.

Note: "Cannon" is misspelled in this list because it was misspelled in-game as "canon" when I played it. They might fix this in future updates.

Acorn = Time + Tree
Adhesive tape = Glue + Ribbon
Aircraft = Air + Metal
Airship = Balloon + Metal + Rope
Algae = Plant + Water
Anchor = Chain + Metal + Water
Angel = Bird + Human
Anvil = Hammer + Human
Apple = Gravity + Tree
Aquarium = Fish + Glass + Water
Armor = Clothes + Metal
Arrow = Blade + Feather + Stick
Ash = Bonfire + Water
Asteroid = Space + Stone
Atom = Electron + Neutron + Proton
Axe = Blade + Stick + Wood
Baby = Human + Human + Love
Bacteria = Life + Ocean
Ball = Air + Rubber
Balloon = Air + Rope + Rubber
Bandage = Cloth + Ribbon
Bank = House + Money
Baobab = Savannah + Tree
Barrel = Board + Circle + Metal
Bat = Air + Blood
Battery = Electricity + Energy + Metal
Beach = Ocean + Sand
Bear = Cave + Claw
Bed = Pillow + Wood
Bee = Flower + Insect
Beer = Water + Wheat
Binoculars = Telescope + Telescope
Bird = Air + Life
Birdhouse = Bird + House
Bitcoin = Coin + Electricity
Black hole = Gravity + Gravity + Gravity
Blade = Metal + Tool
Blood = Blade + Human
Boar = Forest + Pig
Board = Tool + Wood + Wood
Boat = Paddle + Raft
Bone = Sword + Zombie
Bonfire = Fire + Stick + Stick
Book = Cardboard + Ink + Paper
Bottle = Plastic + Water
Bow = Rope + Stick
Box = Cardboard + Cardboard
Brain = Neuron + Neuron + Neuron
Bread = Dough + Fire
Brick = Clay + Fire
Brush = Paper + Tool
Bubble = Air + Soap
Bucket = Metal + Plastic + Water
Bug = Insect + Tree
Bulb = Electricity + Glass
Butterfly = Caterpillar + Time
Cacao = Sun + Tree
Cactus = Needle + Plant
Cake = Dough + Ice cream
Calendar = Paper + Time
Camel = Desert + Horse
Camouflage = Chameleon + Cloth
Candle = Fire + Wax
Candy = Chocolate + Paper
Canon = Gunpowder + Pipe
Car = Road + Wheel
Cardboard = Paper + Paper
Castle = Tower + Wall
Cat = Human + Tiger
Caterpillar = Earthworm + Plant
Cave = Mountain + Time
Centaur = Horse + Human
Ceramic = Clay + Heat
Cerberus = Dog + Dog + Dog
Chain = Metal + Rope
Chalk = Limestone + Pencil
Chameleon = Lizard + Rainbow
Cheese = Milk + Time
Cheetah = Cat + Savannah + Wind
Chest = Box + Wood
Chocolate = Cacao + Sugar
Christmas tree = Garland + Spruce + Star
Circle = Dividers + Paper
Circus = Clown + House
Claw = Blade + Bone
Clay = River + Shovel
Clock = Battery + Time
Cloth = Thread + Thread
Clothes = Cloth + Needle
Cloud = Air + Water
Clown = Holiday + Human
Coal = Fire + Plant
Cobweb = Fly + Spider
Coffee = Cacao + Heat + Water
Coin = Circle + Gold
Comb = Hair + Plastic
Compass = Electricity + Magnet
Concrete = Sand + Water
Cookie = Cacao + Dough + Milk
Cotton = Cloud + Grass
Cow = Life + Meadow
Crab = Fish + Scissors
Crocodile = Lizard + Swamp
Crossbow = Bow + Metal
Crown = Gem + Gold
Death = Life + Time
Deer = Forest + Horse
Desert = Sand + Sun
Diamond = Coal + Pressure
Dinosaur = Fossil + Life
Dirt = Ash + Water
Dividers = Needle + Pencil
Doctor = Human + Medicine
Dog = Human + Wolf
Door = Board + Wall
Dough = Flour + Water
Dragon = Fire + Lizard
Drum = Barrel + Leather
Duck = Bird + Lake
Dynamite = Gunpowder + Rope
Eagle = Bird + Mountain
Earthworm = Life + Soil
Eclipse = Moon + Sun
Eel = Earthworm + Electricity
Egg = Bird + Bird
Electricity = Metal + Thunderbolt
Electron = Electricity + Electricity
Energy = Thunderbolt + Thunderbolt
Engine = Metal + Steam
Explosion = Fire + Gunpowder
Eye = Lens + Life
Fangs = Blade + Tooth
Fat = Blade + Pig
Feather = Bird + Hammer
Firefly = Bulb + Insect
Fireworks = Explosion + Rocket
Fish = Life + Water
Fishing rod = Earthworm + Rope + Stick
Flag = Cloth + Stick
Flashlight = Battery + Light
Flask = Glass + Water
Flour = Wheat + Windmill
Flower = Life + Plant
Flute = Pipe + Wind
Fly = Air + Insect
Footwear = Cloth + Soil
Forest = Tree + Tree
Fork = Pitchfork + Steak
Fossil = Brush + Shovel + Soil
Fountain = Pressure + Water
Fridge = Electricity + Frost
Fried egg = Egg + Fire
Frog = Life + Swamp
Frost = Air + Wind
Furnace = Coal + Fire + Stone
Garland = Bulb + Bulb + Bulb
Gasoline = Petroleum + Steam
Gear = Metal + Wheel
Gem = Mountain + Pickaxe
Ghost = Death + Human
Gift = Box + Ribbon
Glass = Fire + Sand
Glasses = Eye + Lens + Plastic
Glue = Flour + Heat + Water
Gold = Gem + Metal
Golem = Life + Stone
Grapes = Plant + Stick + Sun
Grass = Plant + Soil
Grasshopper = Grass + Insect
Gravity = Soil + Soil + Soil
Greenhouse = Glass + Plant
Guitar = String + String + Wood
Gunpowder = Coal + Saltpeter
Hair = Human + Wax
Hammer = Stick + Stone
Hammerhead shark = Fish + Hammer
Hamster = Mouse + Wheat
Hand fan = Paper + Wind
Harp = Bow + String
Hay = Grass + Heat
Healing potion = Flask + Life
Health = Apple + Human
Heart = Blood + Engine
Heat = Air + Fire
Hedgehog = Mouse + Needle
Hen = Bird + Wheat
Hippo = Cow + River
Holiday = Balloon + Cake + Fireworks
Honey = Bee + Flower
Hookah = Flask + Steam + Tobacco
Horns = Blade + Bone + Bone
Horse = Hay + Life
Hospital = Health + House
House = Concrete + Glass + Wood
Human = Cave + Life
Hydrogen = Sun + Time
Hyena = Dog + Savannah
Ice = Frost + Water
Ice cream = Ice + Sugar
Iceberg = Ice + Water
Ink = Octopus + Pressure
Insect = Earthworm + Soil
Island = Ocean + Soil
Jungle = Forest + Rain
Kettlebell = Gravity + Metal
Key = Lock + Tool
King = Crown + Human
Kite = Air + Cloth + Rope
Knight = Armor + Human + Sword
Lake = Water + Water
Lava = Fire + Soil
Leaf = Tree + Wind
Leather = Hammer + Pig
Leech = Blood + Earthworm
Lens = Glass + Light
Lever = Gear + Stick
Life = Energy + Water
Light = Sky + Sun
Lighthouse = Light + Tower
Limestone = River + Stone
Lion = Cat + Savannah
Lizard = Grass + Life
Lock = Chest + Gear
Locomotive = Car + Railway
Lollipop = Candy + Stick
Love = Human + Human
Magic wand = Star + Stick
Magnet = Electricity + Metal
Mana potion = Flask + Star
Mantis = Insect + Leaf
Map = Compass + Paper
Mask = Cloth + Rope
Match = Coal + Stick
Meadow = Grass + Soil
Meat = Blade + Cow
Medicine = Bacteria + Health
Mercury = Silver + Water
Mermaid = Fish + Human
Metal = Fire + Stone
Meteor = Asteroid + Fire
Microphone = Sound + Stick
Milk = Bucket + Cow
Mine = Cave + Pickaxe
Minotaur = Cow + Human
Mirror = Glass + Light + Water
Moat = Castle + River
Mole = Mouse + Soil
Molecule = Atom + Atom
Money = Gold + Paper
Monkey = Life + Tree
Moon = Sky + Stone
Mosquito = Blood + Fly
Mountain = Soil + Stone
Mouse = Life + Wheat
Mummy = Bandage + Human
Mushroom = Grass + Rain
Music = Needle + Vinyl disk
Nail = Hammer + Metal + Stick
Needle = Metal + Thread
Nest = Bird + Egg + Tree
Net = Cobweb + Water
Neuron = Electricity + Life
Neutron = Electron + Proton
Nunchaku = Chain + Stick + Stick
Obsidian = Lava + Water
Ocean = Water + Water + Water
Octopus = Fish + Vacuum
Orca = Ice + Whale
Ore = Mine + Pickaxe
Ostrich = Bird + Sand
Owl = Bird + Claw
Oxygen = Plant + Sun
Ozone = Oxygen + Sun
Paddle = Stick + Water
Paints = Board + Rainbow
Panda = Bear + Jungle
Paper = Tool + Wood
Parrot = Bird + Jungle
Pearl = Gem + Water
Pegasus = Bird + Horse
Pen = Ink + Plastic
Pencil = Coal + Wood
Penguin = Bird + Frost
Petroleum = Fossil + Plant + Soil
Phoenix = Bird + Fire
Photo camera = Light + Metal + Paper
Pickaxe = Mountain + Tool
Picture = Brush + Paints + Paper
Pie = Apple + Flour
Pig = Dirt + Life
Pigeon = Bird + Bread
Pillow = Cloth + Feather
Pipe = Air + Metal + Stick
Pitchfork = Hay + Tool
Plant = Soil + Water
Plastic = Coal + Petroleum
Plunger = Rubber + Stick + Vacuum
Poison = Flask + Snake
Polar bear = Bear + Snow
Potion of Speed = Flask + Wind
Potion of Strength = Flask + Mountain
Potion of Wisdom = Flask + Owl
Pressure = Air + Heat
Propane = Fire + Petroleum
Proton = Electron + Gravity
Puddle = Road + Water
Pyramid = Mountain + Sand
Radio = Metal + Sound
Raft = Water + Wood
Railway = Metal + Road
Rain = Cloud + Water
Rainbow = Rain + Sun
Raincoat = Clothes + Rain
Rake = Comb + Stick
Rhinoceros = Horns + Savannah
Ribbon = Cloth + Scissors
Ring = Circle + Metal
River = Soil + Water + Water
Road = Concrete + Soil
Robot = Battery + Human
Rocket = Fire + Pipe
Rope = Thread + Thread + Thread
Rose = Flower + Love
Rubber = Petroleum + Water
Ruler = Board + Pencil
Safe = Lock + Money
Salt = Heat + Ocean
Saltpeter = Limestone + Plant
Sand = Stone + Water
Savannah = Grass + Soil + Sun
Scalpel = Blade + Health
Scissors = Blade + Blade
Scoop-net = Net + Stick
Scooter = Wheel + Wheel
Scorpion = Crab + Desert
Sculpture = Human + Stone
Sea cow = Cow + Water
Seagull = Bird + Ocean
Seahorse = Fish + Horse
Sewing machine = Electricity + Needle
Shark = Fish + Tooth
Sheep = Cloud + Life
Shield = Board + Metal
Ship = Cloth + Water + Wood
Shovel = Soil + Tool
Silver = Coin + Furnace
Skateboard = Board + Wheel
Skates = Blade + Footwear + Ice
Skull = Bone + Brain
Sky = Air + Air + Air
Slingshot = Rubber + Stick
Smartphone = Microphone + Radio
Snail = Caterpillar + Glue
Snake = Earthworm + Fangs
Snow = Frost + Rain
Snowman = Human + Snow
Soap = Ash + Fat
Soda = Air + Sugar + Water
Solar panel = Energy + Sun
Sound = Air + Explosion
Space = Sky + Star
Spear = Blade + Stick + Stick
Sphinx = Human + Lion
Spider = Insect + Insect
Spine = Bone + Neuron
Sport = Human + Kettlebell
Spruce = Needle + Tree
Spyglass = Lens + Pipe
Squirrel = Acorn + Mouse
Star = Sky + Telescope
Starfish = Ocean + Star
Steak = Fire + Meat
Steam = Fire + Water
Stick = Blade + Plant
Stone = Soil + Soil
Stopwatch = Ruler + Time
String = Sound + Thread
Stump = Axe + Tree
Sugar = Sugar cane + Windmill
Sugar cane = Plant + Stick + Water
Sulfur = Ash + Lava
Sulfuric acid = Hydrogen + Oxygen + Sulfur
Sun = Fire + Sky
Sunflower = Flower + Sun
Surfboard = Board + Wave
Sushi = Algae + Fish
Swamp = Grass + Lake
Sword = Blade + Stick
Swordfish = Fish + Sword
Syringe = Health + Needle
Tank = Metal + Turtle
Tape measure = Ribbon + Ruler
Tea = Heat + Plant + Water
Tear = Eye + Water
Telescope = Lens + Sky
Tent = Cloth + House + Stick
Thermometer = Heat + Mercury
Thread = Cobweb + Cobweb
Thunderbolt = Cloud + Cloud + Cloud
Tide = Moon + Ocean
Tiger = Jungle + Life
Time = Glass + Sand
Tobacco = Plant + Steam
Tool = Human + Metal + Wood
Tooth = Bone + Pressure
Toothbrush = Tool + Tooth
Toothpaste = Health + Tooth
Toothpick = Stick + Tooth
Torch = Fire + Stick
Tornado = Energy + Wind
Tower = House + House
Traffic light = Garland + Road
Treasure = Chest + Island
Tree = Plant + Plant
Trojan horse = Horse + Wood
Turtle = Egg + Sand
Umbrella = Cloth + Rain
Unicorn = Horse + Magic wand
Vacuum = Glass + Space
Vampire = Blood + Human
Vinyl disk = Plastic + Wax
Violin = String + Wood
Volcano = Lava + Mountain
Wall = Brick + Concrete
Wallpaper = Glue + Paper + Wall
Walrus = Fangs + Sea cow
Waterfall = Mountain + Water
Wave = Energy + Ocean
Wax = Bee + Bee
Well = Bucket + Shovel + Soil
Werewolf = Human + Moon + Wolf
Whale = Fish + Fountain
Wheat = Shovel + Soil + Water
Wheel = Air + Pressure + Rubber
Wig = Hair + Hair
Wind = Air + Air
Windmill = Stone + Wind
Window = Glass + Wood
Wine = Grapes + Water
Wire = Electricity + Metal + Plastic
Wolf = Forest + Life
Wood = Forest + Human
Woodpecker = Bird + Wood
Wool = Scissors + Sheep
Zebra = Horse + Savannah
Zombie = Death + Life
The recipe for anvil = hammer + metal* (not human),

and 50 more elements were added in the latest update, here are the recipes:

iodine=algae+sulphiric acid
manta ray=kite+fish
postage stamp=picture+mail
punched card=needle+paper
As per today, I just find out that :

Antenna = Metal + Radio + Stick
Bulb = Electricity + Glass + Light
Carbon = Coal + Fire
Carbon dioxide = Carbon + Oxygen
Chainsaw = Engine + Saw
Computer = Chip + Chip
Conflagration = Fire + Forest
Constellation = Star + Star
Credit Card = Money + Plastic
Display Bulb = Electricity + Glass
Extinguisher = Conflagration + Foam
Feather = Bird + Scissor Hammer
Fern = Spore + Plant
Foam = Bubble + Water
Gum = Tooth + Resin
Hive = Bee + House
Human = Monkey Cave + Time Life
Hunter = Human + Bow
Hydrocarbon = Carbon + Hydrogen
Icicle = Ice + Droplet
Lantern = Glass + Oil
Laser = Fire + Light
Match = Stick + Sulfur Coal
Mosquito = Blood + Insect Fly
Neutron Star = Neutron + Star
Paraffin Wax = Wax + Hydrocarbon
Penicillin = Medicine + Mold
Pit = Shovel + Soil
Plasticine = Clay + Petroleum
Rag = Cloth + Dirt
Sail = Cloth + Wind
Satellite = Antenna + Space
Saw = Fangs + Tool
Sheep = Life + Mountain Cloud
Subway = Tunnel + Soil
Vaseline = Oil + Paraffin wax

I'll put more here if I find any changes
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Cosmetics = Paints+Human
Sleeping Bag = Bed + Forest
Hammock = Bed + Net
Library = House + Book
Lichen = Mushroom + Algae
Kennel = Dog + House
Rust = Oxygen + Metal
Broom = Hay + Stick
Janitor = Human + Broom
Witch = Human + Broom + Magic Wand
GPS = Satellite + Satellite + Satellite
Methane = Air + Swamp
Root = Plant + Soil + Water
Humming Bird = Bird + Flower
Tunnel = Mountain + Road
Solar System = Planet + Sun
Horseshoe = Horse + Footwear
Alien = Life + Space
Hail = Cloud + Ice
Microscope = Lens + Bacteria
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Aurora = Arctic + Light
Alphabet = Letteer + Letter
Anvil = Hammer + Metal Human
Bamboo = Plant + Stick
Bit = Electricity + Letter
Car = Engine Road + Wheel
City = House + House + House
Ent = Human + Tree
Fairy = Butterfly + Human
First Aid = Box + Medicine
Floppy Disk = Plastic + Memory
Information = Bit + Bit
Letter = Paper + Pen
Manta Ray = Fish + Kite
Meat Grinder = Blade + Lever
Memory = Brain + Information
Museum = House + Picture
Oyster = Pearl + Sea shell
Paper Plane = Paper + Aircraft
People = Human + Human + Human
Raisin = Heat + Grapes
Saddle = Horse + Leather
Sea Shell = Armour + Limestone
Skyscraper = House + Sky
Spiral = Circle + Circle
Spring = Metal + Spiral
Tower = House + Stone House
Writing System = Feather + Paper
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Apple = Fruit + Tree
Arctic = Ice + Soil
Artificial Intelligence = Bit + Reason
Bank = House + safe
Bat = Bird + Blood
Berry = Fruit + Bush
Boomerang = Air + Board
Branch = Scissors + Tree
Bulb = Electricity + Glass + Light
Bush = Branch + Grass
Butter = Milk + Oil
Canon = Gunpowder + Pipe + Cannonball
Cannonball = Gunpowder+ Pig Iron
Coconut = Fruit + Palm
Coffee = Seed + Heat + Water
Dew = Grass + Droplet
Doctor = Human + Health
Fluid = Gas + Pressure
Fruit = Flower + Time
Galaxy = Solar System + Solar System
Gas = Air + Molecule
God = Reason + Sky
Hammerhead shark = Shark + Hammer
Hand fan = Paper + Air
Hook = Needle + Fishing Rod
House = Door + Window + Wall
Icicle = Ice + Stick
Iron = Metal + Metal
Knot = Rope + Rope
Lace = Footwear + Rope
Leech = Swamp + Earthworm
Match = Silicon + Stick
Necklace = Chain + Gem
Nest = Bird + Egg + Branch
Noose = Knot + Rope
Owl = Bird + Night
Photosynthesis = Light + Leaf
Pie = Egg + Flour + Furnace
Pig Iron = Carbon + Carbon + Iron
Pyramid = Mountain + Desert
Raft = Water + Wood + Rope
Reason = Brain + Time
Safe = Lock + Gold
Sandwich = Bread + Butter
Scorpion = Spider + Sting
Seed = Fruit + Time
Skeleton = Bone + Bone
Steel = Carbon + Iron
Sting = Bee + Needle
Stump = Saw + Tree
Temple = God + House
Thunderbolt = Cloud + Cloud
Toothpick = Needle + Tooth
Tower = House + Stone
Trap = Fangs + Metal
Universe = Galaxy + Galaxy
Village = House + House
Window = Glass + Wall
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